Episode 1: Foundations - Part 1
by: Marcus Windweaver


    * Commander R'Ashiera, please report to transporter room 2.*
    Commander Verionius R'Ashiera tapped his comm badge.  "Acknowledged.  I'm on my way."  The Andorian Officer rose from his desk in his quarters, and headed down the corridor.  As he ambled down the hall, crew members moving about saluted, or waved, or acknowledged him.  Verionius found the whole experience almost unsettling.  It had only been a few days since Starfleet had given Verionius the position of Commanding Officer, and assigned him his new ship, the U.S.S. Farseeker.  Verionius was still trying to get used to the ship.  A lot was changing in his life.
    Just a few days ago, Verionius had been satisfied in his position as Executive Officer on the starship "Triumphant".  He had only been aboard her a few months in that capacity, when orders came down the channels of Starfleet Command to re-assign him.  Now in just a short time Verionius had moved further up the chain of command.  It was a mystery to him, but one that he wasn't sure he should question.

    "Sir, this must be a mistake.  I haven't even been an Executive Officer for more than six months,"  The andorian had frowned at the dataPADD in his hand.
    Captain Anthony Blanton laughed.  "You want to tell a paper pusher back at Command that they made a mistake?  Especially one that could cost you a good job?"  He clapped his hand on Verionius' shoulder.  "No son, trust me on this.  You never look a gift horse in the mouth."
    Verionius had stared at Blanton for a moment.
    "Take the damn ship,"  Blanton continued to chuckle.  "There's probably a line of hungry officers wanting a job, and you don't want to wait twenty years to get a command."
    Verionius had nodded slowly as he wondered somewhat suspiciously if Blanton had done something to get Verionius the command.

    Verionius smiled fondly at the memory and stepped off the turbolift.  He headed down the corridor, once more realizing to himself that this ship was his.
    And to think I was just getting used to being an Exec., and having quotes drilled into my head.  Now I have to drill my own quotes into someone's head.  He grinned inwardly as he entered the transporter room, and nodded to the transporter chief.
    "Who is beaming aboard?"  he asked as non-chalantly as an Andorian could.
    The chief checked her log.  "Lieutenant Commander Katherine Walker."
    Verionius nodded.  "The new Executive Officer that Admiral Hunter assigned to the ship.  Let's see this Lieutenant Commander then.  Energize."
    The woman tapped her controls.  "USS Farseeker to Starbase 124, we are ready to beam up Lieutenant Commander Walker."
    *Standby Farseeker.*
    A short pause.
    The woman nodded to herself as she moved her hands over the panel.  The transporter pad glowed as the figure of a woman clad in the red tunic of the Command division materialized on the pad.  She was not at all what Verionius expected.  Five and a half feet tall, short brown hair, pale skin, slender.  She had only a few satchels and bags with her.  Over her shoulder was a thin but lethal looking quarterstaff.  Dangling from her hip were what appeared to be paired phasers.  The woman looked around the room, and settled her blue eyes on Verionius.  A slight smile crossed her lips as she stepped off the pad.
    "Commander R'Ashiera, I am Lieutenant Commander Katherine Walker, your new Executive Officer.  I am honored to be serving with you."  She seemed quiet on the approach, but Verionius noticed something about her eyes.  An almost fierce gaze, with a wisdom that seemed to transcend her years.  "Permission to come aboard, sir?"
    Permission granted.  Welcome aboard the Farseeker"  Verionius shook her hand.  "Ensign Emerson will show you to your quarters.  You and I can then meet at 1700 hours, after you have time to settle in."
    Walker nodded.  "When should I report to the bridge?"
    Verionius looked the woman over.  "Relax Commander.  We are going to remain docked for another few days.  You are not really on duty until just before departure."
    Walker frowned.  "Sir, if it pleases you, I would just as soon start my duty shifts now.  That will allow me time to review crew files, check the security protocols, and submit a list of recommended changes to you, if needed."
    This one is a real go-getter.  Verionius thought with an inward grin.  Maybe I better watch my chair closely.
    "Commander Walker, I would be delighted to see what changes you think are necessary to this ship.  After all, I am the one who created the existing security procedures,"  Verionius said flatly, as his antennas shifted.  Walker's left eye twitched for a moment.
    "I meant no offense sir."
    "None taken, Lieutenant Commander.  Meet me in my ready room office at 1700 hours."  Verionius turned away, an unspoken signal that she was to move along.  Walker's jaw opened and closed.  She then picked up her bags, and followed the waiting Ensign to her new quarters.

    Lieutenant Junior Grade Matt Holbrock looked at the Ambassador Class ship floating outside.  He was supposed to have already beamed aboard, but a last minute date with a beautiful orion woman had made him late.  Holbrock adjusted his tunic and stared at the ship where he had been assigned as Chief Ops Manager.
    "What a beauty,"  He muttered.  As he turned to head for the transporter room, he noticed a young woman wearing the uniform of Starfleet's science division.   "The ship can wait a few more minutes,"  Holbrock said quietly to himself as he approached the woman.  She noticed him approaching and nodded a greeting.
    Holbrock looked her up and down.  "Hello there, Ensign....?"
    The woman smiled nervously.  "Marciniak, Janos Marciniak."
    "Ensign Marciniak."  Holbrock said with a smile of his own.  "I'm Lieutenant Junior Grade Matthew Holbrock,"  He indicated the ship floating outside the spacedock windows.  "I'm the Chief Operations Manager for that ship, the Farseeker."
    "Oh really?"  Marciniak nodded.  "I'm the Assistant Medical Chief."
    "Small galaxy,"  Holbrock grinned.  "A rare beauty like you makes one ready to be injured."
    Marciniak flushed a deep red.  Her response was interrupted by an overhead signal.
    *Lieutenant Holbrock, report to the transporter room immediately.*
    Holbrock winked at Marciniak as he tapped his comm badge.  "This is Holbrock, I'll be there as soon as possible."
    *Better make it on the double, sir.*  Came the response.  *There is a Lieutenant Commander Walker looking for you, and she requested that you beam over right now.*
    "Acknowledged.  Holbrock out."  He tapped the comm badge and smiled smoothly at Marciniak.
    "So, how about I buy you a drink?"  He said as he set his satchel down.
    "Didn't they just call you to beam over to the ship?"  Marciniak frowned.
    Holbrock dismissed the call with the wave of his hand.  "The ship isn't departing for a few days, and I doubt that there is any grave emergencies right now."  He looked into her eyes.  "Now, about that drink...."
    Marciniak shrugged.  "Sorry sir.  I'm also supposed to report aboard, and I need to go.  Maybe later."  She turned and walked away.
    Not so fast,  Holbrock projected his thoughts to her.  Maybe you should have that drink.
    Marciniak paused and tilted her head slightly.  She turned around, slightly flumoxed.
    Go on, give him a chance.
    Marciniak shrugged and walked back.  "I guess I can have a drink after all."
    "Excellent."  Holbrock smiled, and thanked the powers that be once again that he was telepathic.


    Walker wandered down the hallway of the Farseeker, staring ahead. After almost stepping on a tech for the third time, she figured she might as well stop being a hazard to the crew currently on board. She headed for the newly finished Lounge with a determined look. She hadn't even made it to the turbolift when her communicator bleeped.
    *Lt. Commander Walker!!! This is Ensign Vash on the Starbase. Ow. We have... [crash someone]... [WHAM!] here who insists on... [THUD] ... excuse me, I'll be right back. [CLUNK] YOU PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT MISTER!!!*
    The communicator bleeped out. Walker stared at it with a slightly stunned look.  The petite ensign Vash, barely 5'2" if she remembered right, sure had an amazing set of lungs to be able to scream that loud, was all she could think for a moment. Her ears rang from the sheer volume. She quickly sprang into action though, yanking a phaser out of a nearby security panel. It was nice to know that the access codes installed a few hours ago were already active. She contacted the station chief transporter room, and asked for an immediate beam down to the transporter room that had hailed her.
    And tried her best not to crumble in helpless laughter at the sight that greeted her. Four burly security men were either on the floor, or trying to get themselves off it. The transport room was in shambles and one of the doors was noticeably dented. Ensign Vash was standing on an upturned metallic suitcase and holding someone by the ear. She was speaking to the person who's ear she was gripping, punctuating every word with a shake of her hand,  "You do not do such things," she said in a reasonable tone. Then snarled, "UNDERSTAND!?" And let go of her victim while stepping off  the suitcase.  The huge man eyed her, almost sheepishly or so Walker thought, and rumbled, "Yes. That rather hurt you know." Walker stared. Elements be blessed, he has a british accent!
    "Aaah... Ensign?", Walker said, still unsure as to whether she should laugh, or just shoot everyone out of general principals.
    Vash started, then whirled around. Behind her, security men tried to scramble to relatively upright positions. Vash gulped slightly, then restrained a smile of her own as she took in the chaos surrounding her.

    "Lt. Commander," she said smoothly. "Glad you're here." A mutter in the background seemed to echo the thought, although less elegantly. Vash ignored it and continued. "This... gentlemen," she said, while glaring at said gentleman, who actually squirmed, "insists he is assigned to the Farseeker."
    Walker eyed the man, trying to keep a serious look on her face.
    "You're late actually."
    "Sorry sir." Pure British accent. The number of holos he must have watched to acquire it!!!
    "Well. You're here now." She eyed his suitcase. I do not think I can lift that. Don't think I want to try.  A british accent. Oh my!  He didn't budge this time, enduring the silence quite well. Vash did look a bit relieved that he was expected.
    "Lieutenant (jg) Torkon. You will help set this transporter room to rights. Then report to Counselor Brakkis."
    The big man frowned. "I am assigned as security assistant to Lt. Commander Alton."
    Walker repressed a smile. This was a good point as far as she was concerned, and she approved of his comment. "I am aware of that.  However, Counselor Brakkis will see to your orientation on Starfleet procedures and integration with the crew. Any other comments?"
    "No sir." He turned to Vash and bowed slightly. "My apologies. I... overreacted."
    Vash was charmed. She fluttered at him.  Walker winced. Then nearly laughed again as the burly man launched an almost desperate look for help above the small blonde's head.
"On second thought Lieutenant Torkon... Come along with me. I might as well make sure you get to the Counselor without ripping up any more of the station..."
    He winced and grabbed his suitcase. The handle actually creaked as he lifted the thing. It had to be at least 5 feet long by two feet wide and high. He practically inched around the smiling Vash and lunged for the transporter pads. And rubbed his ear. Walker grinned amiably to a pouting Vash as she followed him. "Beam us up to the Farseeker Ensign Vash."

    After a brief stop at his quarters to drop off the giant sized luggage, Walker led Torkon to the bridge. He practically ogled the security station as they passed by, Walker having made sure that they went out of their way so he could see it. She smiled lightly, but smoothed her expression as he turned towards her.
    "Your sister, T'Mir, has spoken very highly of you sir. It will be an honor to serve with you aboard this ship." He seemed to stretch out as high as he could. "The ceilings are very high compared to our own ships. This is good."
    "We accommodate many species here, as you will learn." She nodded approvingly as he looked at her with curiosity. Curiosity was good. "Let's go meet the captain shall we?"
    They stepped on the bridge, and Verionius stared.   She grinned wickedly at the captain.
    "Sir, may I introduce Lieutenant (jg) Torkon, our new assistant security chief. Mr. Torkon, this is our commanding officer, Commander Verionius R'Ashiera."
    The huge Klingon bowed proudly to the captain. "Sir! It is an honor to be here!" he said. In an impeccable british accent. Walker did not laugh. Years of Vulcan training were the only saving grace she had at that moment. She reminded herself to tease T'Mir for it next time she got to visit Vulcan.
    "He has been assigned as assistant to Lt. Commander Alton sir. I approved it myself when I saw his file." Verionius stared at him for a moment longer, then slowly looked at her.
    "I... see. Welcome aboard Mr. Torkon," he replied formally, "It is an honor to have you with us."
    The Klingon straightened his shoulders proudly. Almost grinned, then turned back to a serious look. Walker waved him off, telling him to get to his quarters and settle in. Brakkis would find him there.
    "Oh, and Lieutenant?, " she called out just as Torkon stepped on the turbolift.  "Swing by sickbay and get someone to look at your ear, eh?" The doors whooshed shut on his startled expression. A roar of laughter resonated through the turbolifts a moment later.
     Verionius gave Walker a puzzled look.  She chuckled as she turned to sit in her chair.  "I'll pull up the security logs from the Starbase for you to see for yourself."  She grinned even more wickedly.  Verionius resigned himself to once more wondering what other surprises awaited him.  Walker looked up a moment later.
    "Most of the crew has beamed over and checked in.  We are still missing a few of the department heads, however."
    Verionius checked the wall chronometer.  It was 1530 hours.  "I thought I had ordered all department heads aboard by 1400 hours."
    "Yes, that was the order."
    "Well, which ones are we missing?"
    Walker checked her readout.  "Lieutenant Matthew Holbrock, and Lieutenant Commander DeLanthri."  She continued reading.  "Apparently Lieutenant Commander DeLanthri is still enroute from Starbase 20.  Holbrock checked into Starbase 124 five hours ago."
    "And he isn't on board yet?"  Verionius sat in his chair.  "Let's find out what the delay is."
    "Aye sir."
    Walker tapped commands into her console and waited.  A moment later she chuckled.
    "Number One?"
    "It seems that one of our new officers is in the brig on the Starbase."
    Verionius frowned.  "Oh?  Who?"
    "Lieutenant Holbrock, the Chief Ops Manager."
    Verionius glared at the viewscreen.  He had read this man's file already, and had prayed that this would not be the sort of thing that he would have to deal with.  Truth be told he really had not wanted Holbrock in the first place, however Command had seen fit to handle most of the assignments to the ship.  Admiral Hunter had claimed that it was standard for Starfleet to do so for a new Commanding Officer when they were assigned that rapidly.  "Signal the Starbase.  Tell them to get that officer aboard and to send us a copy of whatever he was doing that got him in the brig."
    "Aye sir."
    The turbolift doors opened, and a woman in the gold tunic of the operations branch stepped on the bridge.  She looked around trying to get a feel for the bridge.  Her eyes came to rest on Verionius and she stepped forward.
    "Can I help you, Lieutenant Commander?"  Verionius asked quietly.
    "Sir.  I am Martha Alton.  I was assigned as Chief of Security.  She extended her hand.
    "Commander Alton, it's a pleasure."  Verionius took her hand.  "Your record is quite exemplary."
    "Thank you sir."  Alton seemed pleased to hear this.  She turned to Walker.
    "Commander Walker?"
    Walker looked up and nodded almost absently.
    "It's an honor to meet you, sir.  Your tactical maneuver at Belos V was the subject of my senior year thesis."
    Walker grinned as she looked at the woman.  She turned to Verionius.  "I think I like this one."
    *Tranporter Room 2 to Bridge.  Lieutenant Holbrock is ready to beam aboard sir.*
    Verionius smiled grimly.  "Keep him there.  I'll be right down."  Verionius rose from his chair and headed for the turbolift.
    "You want some company, sir?"  Walker asked innocently.
    "I'll handle this one for now."  Verionius said with a smirk.
    "Yes sir."  Walker turned back to her station and chuckled softly.

    A few minutes later Verionius entered the transporter room to confront the rogue officer.  The transporter chief nodded acknowledgment when Verionius entered..  Verionius nodded to the crewman and signalled for him to exit.  Once the officer had left, Verionius turned to look at the man who had beamed up.  A young human male was sitting quietly, sharpening one of the largest knife's he had ever seen.  The man had slightly curled black hair, and chiseled features.  He looked up at Verionius, and the Andorian looked into eyes that seemed much older than the body they were in.  The man slowly moved forward and stared at Verionius, as if waiting for something.
    "Lieutenant Matthew Holbrock?"  Verionius asked with a tone of irritation
    "Yes sir."  The young man answered as if being dared.
    "Lieutenant, my crew at least act as if they understand what command structure means."  Verionius' antenna twitched.  "You were ordered to report to the ship several hours ago, and instead you ignore the order and get thrown in the brig.  Not a very auspicious start."
    Holbrock half shrugged.  "I just spent the past four years on a battered science vessel surveying nebulas.  Command structure was driven home many times....sir.  I guess I just needed to unwind before jumping back in feet first."
    Verionius felt his temper rising.  Something about this young man made Verionius want to show him how painful Andorian anger could be.
    "Mr. Holbrock, get your gear to your quarters, and report to the bridge.....yesterday!"  Verionius raged.
    Holbrock stared at him for a moment, then snatched up his bags, and strode past.  As he exited he threw a grin back.  "You know what, Commander....we're gonna get along just fine."
    "Not bloody likely."  Verionius muttered to himself as he followed the young man out the door.  He stopped in the doorway and watched the seemingly arrogant young man stalk off to his quarters.  Had he handled the situation properly by coming down personally to face Holbrock?  No, he chided himself.  You handled it like an Exec. would, not as a Commanding officer.  He made a mental note to himself to refer discipline to Walker, it was after all her job.
    Old habits are going to be hard to break, he concluded as made his way to the bridge.

    A short while later Holbrock entered the bridge and stood looking around nodding his head.  Walker rose from her chair and regarded the Ops manager.
    "Does everything meet with your approval, Lieutenant?"  She said with an even tone.
    Holbrock blinked his eyes, uncertain how to answer.
    "According to your physical ability report Mr. Holbrock, your hearing is fine.  I'm making the assumption that you are choosing to ignore me.  Much like you ignored the order to report to the ship."  Walker continued.
    Holbrock started to say something then paused for a moment.  "Sorry sir.  Lieutenant Matthew Holbrock reporting for duty."
    Verionius turned around and stared at the man with curiosity.  This did not appear to be the same Holbrock he had just met.
    "Take your station then, Lieutenant Holbrock."  Verionius finally said.  Holbrock sat down and ignored the look that Verionius was shooting him.
    "Sometimes Commander, the merest suggestion of intimidation is sufficient."  Walker looked directly at Verionius and grinned.  "It helps to give them a feeling of insecurity."
    Verionius grinned.  "You aren't suggesting that you play with his mind?"
    Walker shrugged.  "He's a telepath so even if I had mind powers they may not work.  I merely 'suggested' to him that he was out of his league."
    Verionius continued grinning as the turbolift door opened.  He turned to see a tall Bajoran woman approaching.  Verionius stood and turned to meet her.
    "Lieutenant Krell Bravor?"
    "Yes sir."
    "Lieutenant, this is Lt. Commander Katherine Walker, the Executive Officer."
    "I know sir.  We've met before."
    Verionius raised an eyebrow in an almost perfect vulcan manner.
    "I wasn't aware that you had served together before, Commander Walker."
    Walker grinned.  "It's been a long time.  Good to see you again, Bravor.
    "Thank you for recommending me."  She returned the smile.  She then noticed Holbrock staring at her.  Verionius noticed her gaze, and turned back to her.
    "Is there a problem?"
    "Yes sir.  I did not realize that HE was on this ship."  Bravor jabbed his finger forward.  Holbrock turned fully around.
    "Hello, nurse."  Holbrock burst out with big grin on his face.
    "Belay that Mr. Holbrock."  Verionius spat.  He turned to Bravor.  "Do you have a grievance with Lieutenant Holbrock?"
    Bravor shrugged.  "Only when he can't keep his hands to himself.  Apparently he attempted to seduce my new assistant medical chief using his mental abilities.  Luckily for Ensign Marciniak, I happened on to the scene.  Luckily for Lieutenant Holbrock, Starfleet security stumbled onto the scene when they did.  Maybe his time in the brig helped cool him off."
    "Another mystery solved."  Verionius said.  "Mr. Holbrock, while on this ship you will refrain from any behavior of that manner, understood?"
    "Yes sir."
    "Commander R'Ashiera, perhaps I could speak to him in more private settings."  Walker said cooly.
    "Granted.  Mr. Holbrock, you are dismissed to speak with Commander Walker."  Verionius said to Holbrock.
    "Lieutenant, if you will follow me."  Walker said with a sweet smile.
    Verionius stared at her.  "Do you have a minor in psychology?"
    Walker shrugged.  "I have a way with people."
    Verionius nodded.  "Very good."  He turned to Bravor.  "I hope sickbay met with your approval.  If not, then submit a report to me as soon as possible so we can get it up to your specs, Lieutenant."
    "Everything checks out so far, sir.  But I will let you know."

    "Deck 15"  Walker said quietly after the turbolift door shut.  Holbrock stared at her with a big grin.  He moved closer.
    "So, are all Executive Officers this attractive?"  He said flirtatiously.
    "Hold."  The turbolift halted.  Walker turned to look at Holbrock.  "What did you just say?"
    Holbrock grinned and put out tendrils into her mind,  "You heard me.  Admit it...you find me....."  Holbrock stopped speaking at the images in Walker's mind.  Images of many forms of pain being visited upon him...by her.  As he started to probe deeper, he realized that that there was a very strong chance of her finding a way to do them.  He took a deep breath as he reigned himself back out of her mind.
    "I will only say this once, Lieutenant.  I am the first officer on this ship.  While I am you will behave yourself in a manner befitting a Starfleet officer.  Am I understood?"  Walker smiled sweetly at him, leaving the young man no doubt that she knew what he had just tried, and what he had just seen.
    "Yes sir,"  Holbrock nodded.
    "Good boy,"  Walker purred.  "Oh, and to answer your question..no, most Exec's are not this attractive.  Resume."  Walker spoke in a business tone.  "And you will apologize to Lieutenant Bravor, and to Ensign Marciniak."
    "Yes sir."  Holbrock repeated.

    Once more on the bridge, Holbrock hurried over to his station.  As he passed Bravor, he turned.
    "Lieutenant. Bravor, I am sorry for my behavior earlier.  It won't happen again." He shot a hurried look at Walker, who smiled innocently.  Holbrock quickly turned and took his station.
    Bravor blinked and stared after him.  Verionius was just as stunned.  He turned and looked at Walker.
    "Lt. Commander., what did you say to him?"
    Walker shrugged.  "I just asked him to apologize."  She looked back at her console, and continued tapping buttons.  Verionius frowned as he sat down.  Something told him that more than just a request for an apology happened in the turbolift.  Verionius sat back in his chair and frowned.
    "I will say, Commander, that there are times I have found that it is better not to know."
    Walker slowly nodded.  "I have a feeling that this is going to be an interesting assignment."  She stood and turned toward the Security console.  "Lt. Commander Alton." Walker spoke loudly, startling the woman.
    "Yes sir."  Alton turned and stopped as he saw a flash of something cross Walker's eyes.  She then smiled sweetly at her.  "Just making sure you are with us."
    Alton frowned slightly.  "Umm  okay."
    Walker chuckled.  "At ease."
    *Commodore Danton to USS Farseeker.*
    "This is Commander R'Ashiera, go ahead."
    *Commander, Admiral Hunter has issued orders that you are to launch immediately and proceed to Starbase 20 to pick up remaining crew and recieve your first assignment."
    "Starbase, it was my understanding that we weren't launching for another 36 hours.  I'm not sure the ship is totally prepped for launch."
    *Farseeker, current status understood.  Admiral Hunter has asked that you complete preparations en route.*
    Verionius sighed.  "Confirmed Commodore.  Farseeker will prep for launch."
    *Understood Farseeker.  You have clearance on your signal.  Danton out.*
    Verionius tapped the comm button on his armrest.  "Bridge to Engineering."
    *Nathaniels here, sir.*
    "Mr. Nathaniels, we have been given ordered to depart from space dock.  Power up engines."
    "Aye Captain.  I have the warp core online and I'm running final diagnositcs.Give me about fifteen minutes."
    "Understood.  Bridge out."

The next fifteen minutes passed without event, as the duty crew began starting the pre-launch sequence.  Nathaniels finally gave Verionius the clearance, and the moment had come.
    Verionius took a deep breath and looked forward.  "Mr. Ramses, clear all moorings.  Ahead reverse impulse."
    "All moorings cleared.  We are reading speed at reverse thrust."  Ramses said as he entered commands.

The ship began moving forward, slowly at first and then gathering speed.  On the viewscreen Verionius watched as the open doors got closer, and then passed by.  He felt the tingle of excitement on his back as he realized that his first assignment as commanding officer had begun.
    "We have cleared the space dock."  Ramses said a moment later.
    "Set course 345.6, warp factor 4."  Walker said as she leaned forward.
    "Course laid in."  Ramses responded.  The ship did not immediately jump into warp which made Verionius raise an eyebrow.
    "Is there a problem Mr. Ramses?"
    "Not at all sir.  Here we go."  Ramses hit the buttons launching the ship into warp.

Chapter 3

    The Farseeker sped away on her first assignment.  Verionius felt himself starting to relax a little.  It was always this, the call of the stars that calmed his nerves and soothed his mind.  There were many things for him to be concentrating on.  He needed to compose a reply to his mother's message from last week, and there was the impromptu party that some of the older crew was planning later today.  Verionius grinned.  From what he understood, there were plans to try to get Walker to sing.
    "Sir, permission to leave the bridge, sir?"  Ramses spoke up.  Walker glanced up at the wall chronometer.
    "You duty shift is over, Lieutenant.  You don't need to ask for permission,"  she said with a small grin.
    "I wasn't sure how you wanted it handled on this ship, sir."  He responded as he fought back the redness that was creeping up his neck.
    Verionius nodded.  "Carry on."
    Ramses paused as he looked over at Holbrock.  "I need to take Lieutenant Holbrock with me."
    Walker paused.  "I had assigned him to a double shift."
    "Sorry sir,"  Ramses started away.  "I'll see you later at the launch party."
    Verionius considered this for a moment.  Since the ship launched, the two had been speaking in low whispers.  Maybe this would be a good thing for Holbrock, Verionius thought.  "Very well.  Lieutenant Holbrock, you are relieved of duty for now."
    "Thank you sir."  Holbrock frowned as he exited with Ramses, wondering just what he was in for this time.
    After the two left the bridge, Verionius turned to Walker.
    "I apologize for countering your decision Number One."
    "That's twice today,"  she continued working on her console.
    "Excuse me?"
    "Earlier in the transporter room was one, just now was two,"  she looked up.  "You're trying to do my job."
    Verionius blinked.
    "It's okay, I'll let it slide for now,"  she stared at him for a moment.  "But you aren't an exec. anymore.  You are the commanding officer now."
    "It's going to be hard to break the habit,"  Verionius sighed.
    "Like I said, I won't stress about it yet.  But don't even think for a minute that you are going to get away with it too many times."  She grinned fiercely as she looked back at her screen.
    Verionius contemplated her words as he looked back at the streaming beams of light on the main viewer.  What would his former C.O. say about Verionius' first day on the job?  He would probably laugh, Verionius decided, then shake his head and say something like you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
    Whatever that means.

    It was a few hours later at the launch party that Holbrock really found out what he was in for.  He had been introduced to several officers, most of whom he knew he would never remember their names.  Ramses seemed to have taken Holbrock under his wing.  He knew most of the other crew and felt it necessary to introduce Holbrock to all of them.
   Holbrock finally decided he had enough of the party and made for the exit.  He stopped short at the door way where Lt. Commander Walker stood with Commander R'Ashiera.
    "Shit."  Holbrock muttered unhappily as he turned back to the celebration.  His first day assigned to a new ship, a time to make new friends and new impressions....all Holbrock had done was making an ass of himself with the commanding officer and exec.
    Why is it that always happens when I get a new assignment?  He mentally chided himself.  Wait a minute, why should I care?  I get booted from here and I get another assignment, maybe even planetside..  If they did not like him then too bad.  He really didn't need to be coddled anyway.   He could handle this assignment.  A pretty brunette woman passed him with a smile and nod.  Holbrock finished his drink and slammed the glass down.  Then again, maybe this ship wouldn't be too bad of a place.  At least, not if there were more officers like her, Holbrock thought as he followed the brunette across the room.

Part 2
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