Welcome to Divergant Space

 "Home of a myriad of universes"


    Originally this site primarily served as the home for the online PBeM games I ran, with a small fan fiction archive.  That has changed recently.
    Sadly enough I find myself having to sacrifice online gaming after 3 wonderful years.  Many factors have caused this, more than I care to go into.
        The main focus of this site will now be works of fiction by myself and a few close friends.  A majority of these stories are "Star Trek" fan fiction, following ships and crews of our own creation.  There are other genres being added as well, everything from Horror to Mystery, from Science Fiction to Fantasy.

So without any further ado, explore away!

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Wanna get the fastest information on when a story is uploaded or when the site gets an update?  Then join our mailing list through e-groups!

Just click on the Farseeker image to subscribe!  It's easy, and fun!

            Click here to subscribe if you can't see the image of the Farseeker!

Holy Moley!!!!!!    11410    people have been beamed into Divergent Space

And can you believe it?  We last updated this site on Dec. 18, 2000


Copyright issues seem to be a big thing anymore.  I don't wanna step on toes, cause grief, or be responsible for flood, fire, famine, etc.  Therefore, I respectfully submit the following disclaimer:

With regards to the "Star Trek" stories only:
1) Star Trek is the exclusive property of Paramount Pictures.  It is not mine, nor is it yours.  I do not claim any rights to it by creating this site, or maintaining it, etc. etc.  I'm just hanging out and taking a few liberties in Gene's backyard <G>
2) These "Star Trek" universes do not follow the adventures of Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway.  They follow the adventures of our own characters.  While occassional reference is made to them, they are generally not involved in the storylines.
3)  The characters we refer to and use in the "Star Trek: Farseeker" stories are the exclusive property of the "Divergant Universe" group.  If you want to participate in this writing group, please contact Marcus.  Do not link directly to the stories, or other parts of this site other than the home page (the one you are on now)
4) While this "Star Trek" universe tries to be as canon as possible, there are occassional differences.  Please note that as a proper alternate universe goes, that is bound to happen.
5) Please ask before "borrowing" anything from this site.  That is considered proper manners.  I get real toucy about people borrowing things without asking.
6) If you link to me, remember to return the favor by letting me link back to you :-)

With regards to the other stories on this site:
1) All other items on this site are the exclusive properties of the "Divergant Universe" group.  Misuse, theft, or unauthorized usage of the characters or stories in those areas will be dealt with by a 180 foot long dragon being sent to your location with all possible dispatch.
2) If you want to have your original stories posted on this site, or connected to us....e-mail Marcus.