Star Trek: Divergant Universe Updates & Chronology of the site.

August 2, 1997 - Star Trek: Farseeker game begins.
October 1997 - First Star Trek: Farseeker site is created.  Site has brief technical description, brief character listing, and link back to Epsilon Fleet site
November 1997 - Mission transcript for "Shoreleave" is added.
December 1997 - Site undergoes first face lift.  New crew bio page is added.
January 1998 - Crew bios are seperated onto seperate pages.  Crew list is added showing chain of command.  Guestbook is added.
February 1998 - Complete overhaul of site.  Deck list is added.  CAD drawing of bridge layout is added.  All existing pages are altered to give more of an organized look.
March 1998 - Site is rated by the Renegade Treklist at Lt. Commander.  Mission transcript for "Federation" and the first half of "Of Triumph & Torment" are added.
April 1998 - Site is updated with new pictures showing a "virtual tour" of the ship.  Mission Transcript for "Of Triumph & Torment" is finished.
May 1998 - Second site is linked in to add more server space.  An early frames version of the site is created and tested by select audience on second site.  The "Scrap Book" page is added, with humorous pictures of Farseeker crew persons.
June 1998 - Frames version is discarded after some negative feedback.  Work begins on an image mapped version.
June 26, 1998 - New image map site is approved, and work moves toward completion.  Current site is prepped to be moved to second site for slower browsers.
July 7, 1998 - Image mapped site is uploaded.
August, 1998 - Work slows down, but the web site updates are completed. Virtual tour of the bridge and many areas of the site are now possible.
September 5, 1998 - All mission posts are up to date on server. First 6 episodes of Farseeker can be read in their entirity, and the only 3 Stingray missions may be read as well.
November 8, 1998 - The site is streamlined to give prospective players an easier go of finding things. LCARS interface is ditched in favor of a simplier, easier to load site.
November 8, 1998 - June 9, 1999 - Real world concerns and such prevent Web Site author from doing much on-line work
March 12, 1999 - Ann, Fred, Greg, and Marcus all begin work on a joint fan fiction story titled "For Honor", that follows Verionius, Walker, D'Amico, DeLanthri, and Methuselah following the Star Trek: Farseeker Episode : 10 Edge of Eternity.
June 9, 1999 - The site is set up at it's new home on Tripod, with a site still remaining on Geocities
June 30, 1999 - Geocities and Tripod sites closed down after Yahoo/Geocities requires an agreement that all materials uploaded to personal web sites become property of Yahoo/Geocities.  Web site author discovers the same requirement at Tripod.
July 7, 1999 - Site re-opens on  Additional parts that will be added include a "Mirror Farseeker" section, as well as revised editing to all fan fiction, and mission logs
August 8, 1999 - USS Farseeker game ends with the destruction of the ship.
September 6, 1999 - USS Avenger site goes on-line with engine room page, index page, and preliminary crew manifest. Farseeker site is updated to reflect changeover to memorial page.
October 7, 1999 - USS Avenger site is finished.  Work started to revise all fan fiction, and character bios to fit new format.
October 16, 1999 - "For Honor" is finished, and added to the fan fic page.
November 4, 1999 - USS Avenger site is removed from this site, and turned over to the XO.  Link to be added later.
November 15, 1999 - Work starts on the "USS Farseeker: Alternate Dimensions" fan fic site.
November 17, 1999 - The modified pages for the "Alternate Dimensions" site are uploaded.  Episode 1: Shoreleave is converted to the "Alternate Dimensions" storyline.  Shoreleave is only slightly different from the original version.
November 23, 1999 - The converted version of "Triumph over Torment" is uploaded to the Alternate Dimensions area.  A guestbook and counter are added.
January 24, 2000 - After a lengthy break, Part 2 of "Foundations" is added to the Fanfiction page.
February 15, 2000 - New 3D images are used on several of the pages in the site.  More to follow.
February 21, 2000 - USS Avenger game goes on indefinite hiatus due to lack of players and busy lives.  USS Ronin game is terminated.
February 23, 2000 - Entire site is overhauled with a new format, and new images.
June 1, 2000 - Attempted one last time to run an online game called "USS Farseeker: Alternate Dimensions"
August 18, 2000 - "USS Farseeker: Alternate Dimensions" ends
August 22, 2000 - Entire website begins transformation to fan fiction and stories only

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