Episode 1: Foundations - Part 2
by: Marcus Windweaver


    Verionius sipped his Andorian bark tea and watched the merry making around the lounge.  He smiled and nodded at other officers as they passed by.  Although he had told others to enjoy themselves, Verionius found it hard to keep up the guise for himself.  Even after all of his years in Starfleet, and amongst mostly humans, he still had trouble "letting his hair down" in the same manner.  For him a good time was sneaking up on an opponent in the holodeck, or even hunting in the ice caverns of Andoria.  The thought of both past times ran through his head, and gave Verionius inspiration.
    What did they do before holodecks were invented?  he pondered as he set down his glass and headed for the door.
    Verionius turned around to face Walker.  "Yes Number One?"
    "Sir, I noticed you were leaving.  Is everything okay?"
    Verionius nodded.  "I'm fine."
    "I may not be a telepath, or a counselor...but I know when something is bothering my c.o."
    "It's nothing, Number One."
    "Call me Katya, and spill it," she met his gaze.
    Verionius sighed.  "I just need to unwind in a different manner."
    Walker raised an eyebrow and smirked.  "You too, huh?"
    "Excuse me?"
    "I don't do well in these kind of parties either,"  She confessed.  "They just don't really keep me interested for too long."
    Verionius welcomed this opening up.  "I never have really understood the human need to celebrate in this manner."  He gestured to the crowded lounge.  "Filling up on synthehol and pretending to be intoxicated just doesn't make sense."
    Walker nodded.  "You would fit in really well with my brother Silak.  He is fond of saying that humans don't make sense."
    Verionius laughed.  "He sounds almost vulcan."
    "He should.  He is."
    Verionius blinked.  "I didn't know that you..."
    "Enough of that though,"  she said rapidly.  "If you could choose anything else to do right now to unwind, what would it be?"
    Walker's question caught him off-guard and he found himself answering her immediately.  "Ice hunting in the caverns of Andoria."
    "Now that sounds like fun,"  the woman smiled.
    Verionius thought for a moment before mentally shrugging.  He needed to get to know his new Executive Officer a little better.
    "You are welcome to join me if you wish."  Verionius said as he started away.
    "I'd love to."  Walker replied as she followed.

    Ramses sat at a table listening to the Farseeker's Operations chief slurring his words together as he confided in Ramses his secret crush on the ship's assistant chief medical officer.  Ramses got the feeling that from the way Lieutenant Holbrock's story sounded, that it would be one that he told often.  Watching the crew that were nearby listening, Ramses knew that he was right.
    "So, waddya think?"  Holbrock slurred as he took another gulp of his saurian brandy.
    "I think you better quit chugging down that brandy before you get busted back to Ensign," Ramses replied.  "How did you get your hands on that anyway?"
    "I got some dirt on the bartender.  He smuggles me the real shtuff.  Now anshwer my question."
    "Ummm.....I think that..."  He noticed Alton nearby staring at him.  As the man noticed her watching, she seemed to sneer and turned away.  "I think that you should go for it.  Excuse me please."  Ramses stood and moved toward Alton.  As he approached her, Alton turned back toward him and leaned on the bar.
    "Is everything okay, Commander?"  Ramses' voice had an edge in it.
    Alton glared at Ramses.  "Yes, everything is fine."  She started to turn away when Ramses reached out and touched her arm.  Alton looked at Ramses' hand on her arm, then back up at Ramses' face.  "But you're going to have a problem if you don't remove that hand."
    "Is that a threat?"  Ramses demanded, his grip not moving.
    "Nope.  It's a promise."  Alton said coldly as she set her drink down.  Ramses looked into the woman's eyes, and released his grip.
    "Can I ask why you were glaring at me a few minutes ago?"  Ramses asked.
    "It's not you so much as the company you keep."  Alton nodded toward Holbrock.
    "Okay, so the guy is a little rough around the edges but all the command staff seems like they want to hang him."  Ramses took a drink.  "It's like all of you think you're better or something."
    "I could have you thrown in the brig for your attitude towards a superior officer."  Alton explained.
    "Then do it."  Ramses was almost daring her.  "You don't have any grounds to base it on."  He turned back away.
    Alton watched as Ramses walked back over to Holbrock.  As she stared at the Ops Chief, she almost sensed something from the man.  A feeling of tired resignation.  It was as if the man had been used to the "hammer of authority" cracking down on him for years.  Maybe he has.  Alton thought curiously.  I need to check his file.
    Holbrock started to speak again, when Ramses suddenly pushed away from the bar and moved past him.  "Excuse me, Lieutenant."  Holbrock considered following him for a moment when he realized that he would be pushing harassment by doing so.  He was about to walk away himself when Dr. Bravor appeared.
    "You and I need to talk about what happened before,"  The woman stated while standing next to him at the bar.  Holbrock smiled tightly and realized he was trapped.  He braced himself for more lecturing from the medical chief.

    "Ice caverns on Andoria,"  Verionius said to the computer panel.  "Summer season.  Starfleet issue environmental suits for two.  Cavern gear, also for two."  He turned to Walker.  "What weapons would you prefer?"
    Walker shrugged.  "I'll stick with my quarterstaff and knife."  She held the weapons that she had picked up from her quarters.
    Verionius nodded.  His own Chakas were stuck in a belt sheath.  "Run program when complete."
    *Program complete.  You may enter when ready.*  The computer intoned.
    Verionius and Walker entered the heavy doorway and found the ordered equipment just inside.  They quickly slipped into the heavy clothing, and slung the ropes and other gear around their waists and back.  Verionius was impressed with the skill and speed Walker showed in getting the gear attached.
    "You've worked in cold environments before?"  He asked curiously.
    Walker shrugged.  "I've done work in many environments."
    Verionius nodded.  "Excellent."  He finished strapping his own gear on as he spoke.  With the gear in place, both turned to regard the simulation.  Around them was the frigid ice covered entrance to one of the many caves dotting the mountains of northern Andoria.  Verionius started forward, and turned back toward Walker.
    "You sure you want to do this?"  He asked curiously as she followed.
    "It's either this or the party."  She shrugged.  "The party is predictable.  This isn't."
    He nodded and turned back toward the cave.  "Just don't say I didn't warn you."
    Walker chuckled as she readjusted her pack.  The two began moving away from the holodeck entrance arch, which disappeared behind the illusion of an icy cave entrance.  As they moved into the cavern, Verionius found himself once again amazed at the detail that the holodeck could create.  He almost felt like he was back home on Andoria.
    "Have you ever been to Andoria, Walker?"
    Walker shook her head.  "No sir.  I spent a few years on Vulcan when I was younger though."  She looked at him for a moment.  "And you can call me Katherine, sir."
    "Quite a different climate there."  He replied as he stepped to the edge of a drop off.  He scanned the walls leading down into the depths.  "As much as I respect the Vulcans I don't see how they can live in that heat."
    "They probably would say the same about Andorians."  Walker pointed out with a small smile.  "As far as the cold climate on Andoria."
    "True enough."  He uncoiled his rope and attached a grappling hook to the end.  With a quick twist, he latched the rope around a stalactite, and tested the line.  Satisfied with it, he slid over the edge of the drop-off, and made his way down the sheer wall.  Walker waited until he was several feet down before slipping over the edge to follow.  Before she was halfway down, she was startled by the sight of the Farseeker's Operations chief standing in mid-air behind her.  On his feet were a pair of hover-boots.
    "Hello there, Lt. Commander Walker."  He said with a bleary eyed smile.  "Thish looks like it'sh fun."
    "Mr. Holbrock,"  She said slowly.  "You really should consider returning to your quarters before you get hurt."
    "Oh posh,"  he gestured wildly, dropping a bottle of something.  "Thish is all holographic shtuff."
    The tinkle of broken glass, followed by an Andorian curse drifted up to Walker.  She shook her head.
    "Mr. Holbrock, I must insist that you return to your quarters."
    "You can't order me around, shweets."  He slurred.  "It'sh not like you're the Commanding officer."
    "No, but I am!"  Came an angry voice from below.  "Computer, end program."
    The ice cavern vanished, replaced by the black and yellow gridded walls.  Verionius stood with his arms folded, glaring at the inebriated medical chief.  Walker remained calm, waiting to see what would happen.
    "Holbrock, you will return to your quarters at once."  Verionius growled.  "You actions could have seriously jeopardized our health."
    "Phooey."  He stumbled into Walker, who shoved him back on his feet.  "You had the shafety interfacesh on."
    "How do you know?"  Verionius said coldly.  The man stared at him, and blinked.
    "I asshumed that you..."
    "Return to your quarters, or I'll have security escort you there."  Verionius said in a tight lipped manner.
    Holbrock glared at Verionius.  He then shoved his hand toward Verionius' face pointing with his index finger.  "Quit being shuch a damn drag, man."
    Walker quickly took Holbrock's arm before Verionius could answer.  "Come on."
    "Thanksh, Lieutenant Commander Walker.  Another minute and I would have had to flatten that shon of a bitch."  Holbrock mumbled as the two left the room.
    Verionius sighed heavily.  This had not been the first time that Holbrock's behavior had rubbed him wrong.  But this time he had gone too far, and Verionius was not sure how to react.  Silently the Andorian gathered the replicated items that he and Walker had made for the holo-adventure, and fed them into the recycle slot on the replicator unit.  He then exited and headed for his quarters.  There was nothing else for him to do this evening, except to send a holo-message to his old Academy room mate, Pretah'na, and then to go to bed.  The first night on Farseeker had ended.

Chapter 5

    Captain's log - Stardate 52203.1  After picking up Lt. Commander DeLanthri, our chief tactical officer, we have finally arrived at Starbase 20.  Lt. Commander Walker and myself have requested a hearing with Admiral Hunter to discuss the future of Lieutenant Holbrock.

    "Lieutenant Holbrock, this has been the tenth time that you have been found in a state of inebriation wandering around a starship."  Hunter said in a cold tone.  "It is also the third time that you have either endangered, or embarrassed holodeck participants by entering without approval."  He set the PADD down and turned to Commander R'Ashiera.  "Do you have anything to add to this, Commander?"
    "No sir."  Verionius shook his head.  "Everything I wanted to say is in my reports."  He looked over at Holbrock, who was refusing to meet his gaze.
    "Lieutenant Matthew Holbrock,"  Admiral Hunter said slowly.  "Due to the numerous incidents on file already, and the failure of the counseling you have received aboard your previous ship, it is the decision of this panel that you be removed as Chief Operations Manager of the U.S.S. Farseeker at this time.  You will be reassigned to inactive duty, and stationed at Medical Hospital Gamma 13 while undergoing rehabilitation.  At the end of the program, your fitness for duty will be re-evaluated and you will be reassigned to active duty if able."
    Holbrock stood rapidly, causing Walker to step forward.  He looked at her and shook his head, holding his hands out to show that was not making a threat..
    "Lieutenant?"  Hunter nodded.
    "Admiral Hunter, sir.  I request another chance to prove myself sir."
    Hunter shook his head.  "I am sorry son, I think Starfleet has given you too many chances already."  He looked up.  "I am afraid that this is Starfleet's last resort."
    Holbrock nodded sadly.  "Yes sir."  He turned to Verionius.  "I'll prove to you that I can hold this post, sir."
    Walker raised an eyebrow.  "At the end of your rehab, if the Ops post is open on this ship, and if your rehab is successful, you may return."  She noticed Hunter giving her an odd look, almost cold.  "Provided the Admiral and Commander R'Ashiera both agree."
    Hunter stood.  "I'll concede the decision to Commander R'Ashiera.  You are dismissed for now, Mr. Holbrock."
    "Thank you sir."  Holbrock looked over at Verionius.  He straightened his back and turned to leave.  Walker started to follow him.
    "Lieutenant Holbrock."  Verionius said suddenly.
    Holbrock stopped and turned around.  "Yes sir?"
    "How will you prove it to me?"
    "That you can hold this post."  Verionius met the man's gaze.  "Since your arrival you have disregarded orders, improperly treated a fellow officer, and endangered yourself as well as others."  He indicated the PADD in front of him.  "And it's not the first time you have done all that either."
    "No sir, it isn't."  Holbrock nodded.  "But I can't lose my place in Starfleet.  I can't."
    "So how can you prove it to me?"
    Holbrock straightened up.  "By turning over a new leaf sir.  No more drinking, no more insubordination."
    "Should we trust his word?"  Verionius looked at Walker.
    She shrugged.  "Well, either that, or we promote a new Ops chief."  Walker stated.
    "There is a few promising candidates awaiting assignment."  Hunter interjected.  "I'll send you the list for your approval, Commander R'Ashiera."  He checked a PADD he was carrying.  "Unfortunately, time may be your biggest enemy.  I see here that Starfleet wants you back underway within 72 hours."
    "That doesn't give us any real time to review the files."  Verionius grumbled.  "We still have to finish getting the ship's systems ready."
    "Then we shall have to as they say, put in some overtime on this."  Walker said with the raise of an eyebrow.
    Hunter nodded.  "Perhaps so.  I'll leave you two to your work, and I'll get that list over right away."
    "Thank you Admiral."  Verionius stood.  "We shall endeavor to pick the best candidate."
    Through this whole exchange, Holbrock looked from person to person.
    "Starfleet will back whatever decision you make, Commander."  Hunter said as he headed for the door.  He gave Walker one more cold glance, and shifted the look over to Holbrock before he turned and exited.
    As the door shut, Verionius looked at Walker.  "Well, do you think we would be doing the right thing by having Holbrock removed from duty?"
    Walker nodded.  "While we could continue to attempt in aiding his difficulties here, he will be much better off in a full medical facility."  She stared at Verionius.  "Having second thoughts, sir?"
    Verionius shrugged.  "Holbrock could have caused injury to himself or others.  I am glad that we are getting him the help he needs, I just hate that he will now think this is a punishment."
    "For now he will regard it that way."  Walker said as she moved toward the door.
    "Why do you keep talking about me as if I'm not here?"  Holbrock fairly shrieked.
    Verionius stood and gathered his own stack of PADDs.  He looked Holbrock in the eyes.
    "Because you haven't been here.  You haven't focussed on your duties at all.  So if you aren't going to be here, why should I address you?"  He took a breath.  "If you want to be acknowledged as a member of this crew, then its time for you to earn it.  Now.  Otherwise you can pack out your things and wait here at the Starbase for another assignment that you can slide through.  But in the end, you'll only cheat yourself."
    "I want to stay here, sir."
    Verionius looked at Walker, who nodded, then back at Holbrock.  "Then prove it.  You get one chance, and I mean one."
    Holbrock's face lit up.  "You won't regret this sir."
    Verionius almost snarled as he exited.  "I better not."
    Holbrock turned to Walker with a smile.  "Thank you sir, for giving me another chance."
    Walker shrugged.  "I'd rather see someone succeed than fail.  But if you disappoint the Commander, you will have to face me."  She moved past him.  "And if that happens, you may wish you had stayed here at the Starbase."
    As Walker exited the room Holbrock stared after her.  Once more he had allowed his actions to get out of hand, and once more it had nearly cost him his career.  Holbrock contemplated his future for the umpteenth time.  He knew in his heart it was decision time in many ways.  He also knew that without Starfleet in his life then there was little for him.  He took a deep breath, the breath one takes when they realize that they have begun recreating themselves.  And with new resolve he walked out the door and into his future.

    Further down the corridor, Walker and Verionis watched him walk away.
    "So?  Do you regret making the choice to let him stay aboard?"  Walker asked.
    Verionius considered her question.  "I don't know.  The man is a rogue, he's insubordinate, disrespectful...everything a Starfleet officer shouldn't be."
    "But?"  Walker prodded.
    "But,"  Verionius responded as the two made their way to the turbolift.  "He is also the perfect challenge to me as a commanding officer.  If I can make a Starfleet officer out of him, then I will be worthy of this command."
    "And if you can't?"
    "Then I'll earn a place in history as the worst choice Starfleet ever made,"  Verionius chuckled.
    "Somehow, I don't think that will be the case,"  Walker said quietly as the doors shut.

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