Cadet Cruise
Part 1
by: Marcus Windweaver

  Chapter 1

     Stardate 37506.1
     The 21-year-old Andorian male stepped confidently out of the shuttlecraft, and surveyed his surroundings.  The hanger bay where the shuttle had landed was fairly cramped, but then Verionius was used to the almost unlimited size of the shuttle hanger at the Academy.  He continued to stand and gape, unaware of the older human male that was fast approaching.  Verionius caught the man's movements out of the corner of eye, and tried to move aside.  The man, startled by Verionius' sudden movement, tripped over Verionius' outstretched foot, and landed face down on the metal floor.
     "You should be more careful."  Verionius said pointedly to the man, as he stepped back.
     The man looked up at him with surprise at the abruptness of his voice.  "Excuse me?"
     "You should pay better attention to where you walk."  Verionius turned his head away.
     "Captain!  Are you all right?"  came an excited yell from across the landing bay.  Two human males came racing over.  The man on the floor, pushed himself up to his knees, and stared directly at Verionius.  Verionius immediately noted the 4 gold pips on the man's collar, and groaned as he recognized the rank of a starship captain.
     "Captain, I apologize.  I did not...." he stammered.
     The man regarded him for a moment, then chuckled.  "That's alright son.  We're all human."
     Verionius was taken back by this, and a snarl formed on his lip as he took an immediatly aggressive stance.  "Captain, I do not mean to offend, but I am not human."
     One of the two men who had run over muttered to the other one.  "Sounds like an arrogant little cadet here."
     The Captain grinned, ignoring Verionius' attitude.  "You're not human?  Really?  I thought you were, and just decided to dress up like an Andorian."
     Before Verionius could speak, the Captain added.  "I know my races son. I was using a figure of speech to make light of the moment."
     Verionius nodded.  "I understand sir.  I ..."
     The Captain raised a hand.  "Now before we get all wrapped up in a long story, I do have other duties.  What is your name, cadet?"
     Verionius straightened up.  "Cadet Verionius R'Ashiera, sir."
     "What department are you assigned to Cadet R'Ashiera?"
     "Security, sir.  Perhaps Tactical as well."
     The Captain laughed.  "Oh, Security and Tactical, eh?  Are those the only departments you want?"
     Verionius stared at him, and spoke seriously.  "Are there any other?"
     The Captain regarded Verionius for a long moment, then laughed.  "Welcome aboard the Gettysburg son.  As long as you don't continue to trip the Captain, you should do alright."  The Captain and one of the men walked away.  The other stared at Verionius for a few moments.
     "Cadet R'Ashiera, I am Lt. Commander Derrick Trianth, Chief of Security.  You will be assigned to me for the next 12 months.  Of course, it will be much less than that if I feel that there are any problems."  He frowned at the young man.  "Cadet, today was a classic example of not being observant, and of not being careful.  In the future, if you have one in Starfleet, such moments where you aren't paying attention could cost you, your Captain, or a member of your team their life.  Do you understand me Cadet?"
     Verionius took the man's measure, and nodded.  His Andorian blood raging to pummel the man.  "Lt. Commander, with all due respect, had you been paying attention and given Captain Blanton ample warning, perhaps he would not have fallen over me.  I would say that we both need to improve our observation skills."
     Trianth looked at Verionius with shock.  He suddenly went red in the face.  "Okay Cadet.  You are right.  I should have been paying more attention to who was getting off of the shuttle, etc.  Now we both have learned a lesson here.  And Cadet, watch the attitude.  It will earn you many enemies, and could cost you your career in Starfleet."
     Trianth pointed toward the exit doors from the hanger.  "Take your bags and line up on the yellow line by those doors.  I need to gather the rest of the new cadets, and escort you all down to the briefing area."
     Verionius took his two bags and stood by the yellow line as requested.  As he stood there, he looked around the shuttle bay, taking in this first room on his new home.
  Chapter 2
 Stardate 38203.7
     Eight long months passed at a gruelling pace.  Verionius realized that all of the intensive training at the academy had not truly prepared him for actual ship board duty.  There were almost as many new things to learn as there had been during his four years in school.
     "Cadet R'Ashiera, front and center."  Trianth stood with his arms folded.
     Verionius moved forward, and stood before his commanding officer.  "Yes sir."
     "Is it true that you submitted this," he held forth a PADD, and shook it vigorously in Verionius' face, "to Captain Blanton?"
     Verionius took the PADD, and reviewed the information on it.  It was his proposal to improve the ship's internal security.  He handed it back to Trianth.
     "Yes sir, this is my work."
     "Cadet, are you not aware that all proposals must go through your department head first for review?  Then the department will carry it to the Captain, if deemed necessary.  I believe they teach that many times over in the Academy."  Trianth was angry, judging from the expression on his face as well as the way he held himself.
     Verionius took this in stride.  "Sir, permission to speak freely?"
     "I have submitted this proposal to you no less than 7 times in the last month.  Each time it has been returned to me with no explanation as to why it was refused.  I therefore decided to submit it to the Captain."
     "Cadet, are you suggesting that I, a Lt. Commander and your department head, must justify myself and my decisions to you, a cadet?"
     "No sir.  I am suggesting that I will never learn anything if I am not properly given reasons for decisions."
     The other cadets laughed at this off hand remark.  Trianth showed all signs of exploding with rage.
     "I do not have to justify my actions to you!  Cadet R'Ashiera, if you do not like my style of management, then perhaps you should consider transferring to another ship in Starfleet.  Or better yet, perhaps you should return to your own planet if Starfleet is to tough for you!"  Trianth hurled the PADD to the floor, where it skidded several feet.
     "Lt. Commander Trianth, is there a problem?"  The calm voice of Captain Blanton filled the room.
     "No sir, Captain.  I am merely trying to explain to Cadet R'Ashiera the proper chain of command."  Trianth began calming down.
     Blanton regarded him for a moment.  "I see.  Cadet R'Ashiera, will you please retrieve the PADD, and come with me."
     "Yes sir."  Verionius walked over and picked up the PADD.
     "Captain, I can handle this situation."  Trianth began trying to explain.
     "I know you can, Lt. Commander.  I would like to have few moments to address the Cadet first though."
      Verionius stepped over to the Captain, and followed him out of the training room.  After walking for several feet without speaking, the Captain turned to Verionius.
     "So, Cadet R Ashiera what is on that PADD that has Mr. Trianth in such an uproar?"
      "It has a proposal that I wished to submit to you for approval. I have done surveys of all of the ship's internal security sensors and have found several inconsistancies in the program matrix.  I believe that some minor changes could remove several loopholes in the system, and eliminate many of the dead zones.  Particularly the ones in the critical areas."  Verionius spoke somewhat matter of factly.
     The Captain looked stunned.  "Dead zones in critical areas?  Where specifically?"
      Verionius looked up at the corridor ceiling.  "Perhaps we should not speak here, Captain."
       "Take me to a dead zone Cadet."  The Captain seemed flustered.
    Verionius nodded and began walking with confidence down the hall.  He stopped outside of the ship's armory.  The two guards at the door snapped to attention upon seeing the Captain.
      "Continue on Cadet." Captain Blanton nodded at the armory guards.  "Just checking to see if the lad knows where things are men, carry on."
      Verionius and the Captain continued walking.  Once out of earshot, the Captain tugged at Verionius' arm and led him into one of the classrooms.
       "Computer, deactivate all scanning of this room, visual and audio.  Lockout all crew on this room.  Authorization Blanton Omega Tango Three."
    Blanton held out his hand.  Verionius handed the PADD over, and the Captain quickly reviewed it.  Many times, an alarmed look crossed his face.  He then nodded, as if a great many questions were finally answered.
      "Cadet, some odd things have been happening aboard this ship from time to time.  I have had many supiscions that I have been uncertain of.  Now some of those suspicions are being answered.  Follow me to my ready room."  The Captain made his way to the exit.
       "Computer, disengage my prior lockout command.  Resume audio and visual tracking of this room, and delete log of my commands.  Authorization Blanton Omega Tango Three."
     After arriving in the Captain's ready room, Verionius was startled when the Captain engaged the same lock out protocal.  He then indicated that Verionius should sit at his terminal.
       "Cadet, how did you discover this?"  Blanton asked.
       "Lt. Commander Trianth assigned me to the task of running a manual, and computer linked check of all internal sensors.  He then asked me to physically check all locations, and to file a report with him on the status of them.  He did this as a form of 'discipline' after I questioned his orders in a training drill.  I do not think he expected me to be this thorough".
     Blanton nodded.  "Well Cadet, I have an assignment for you as well.  Only this is not for punishment.  I want you to review the following logs and reports that I am going to pull up, and see how many matches up with one of these dead zones, or when a sensor was malfunctioning.  Take as much time as you need, and I will be on the bridge."  The Captain typed a few commands into the terminal and nodded when the reports starting appearing on the screen.  Blanton then exited the ready room.

     Three hours later, Verionius leaned back from the chair and stretched.  It had been an exhaustive search, but he had the results read for the Captain.  He tapped the comm button.
     *I will be right in.* Blanton responded.
     A few minutes later he entered the room, and walked over to the desk.  Verionius rose from the chair, and stepped respectfully off to one side.  Blanton moved behind the desk, and began reading.  A grim look crossed his face, and he nodded slowly.  He turned to regard Verionius.
     "Son, you have done good work here.  This is something that has plagued me for months, and has had me on the verge of a mental breakdown.  But unfortunately, it is not enough to really help me prove my case.  I need more".
     He stood and faced Verionius.  "Son, you and I did not get off to a good start.  In addition, your attitude and behavior has rubbed many people the wrong way on this ship, and I have considered having you transferred off.  But now, there is a chance here to show what you are capable of.  I need you to do something for me.  It is between you and I, and no one else should know of it.  And I need you to be able to do some acting.  It will be semi-dangerous, and I understand if you would rather not do it.  But, since you found this, and reported it I wanted to offer the chance to you."
    Verionius swallowed this information, and nodded.
     "Tell you what you want me to do Captain.  I am more than capable of handling it."

     Two hours later, after Blanton had sent Verionius back to his duties, Lt. Commander Trianth stepped into Blanton's ready room.  Blanton looked up from his desk and smiled.
      "Ah, Derrick thank you for coming so soon.  I have spoken with Cadet R'Ashiera and he understands the chain of command now.  I think your problem there is over.  As for the other, perhaps in the future you should give his proposals a second chance instead of just ignoring them."
      Trianth nodded.  "I did, sir.  I just felt he was borderline insubordinate in his approach.  Much as he has been for his entire stay on this ship."
     Blanton smiled.  "Well, Andorians tend to be rather direct sometimes.  However, once they are told the proper procedure they typically toe the line as it were."
     Trianth nodded knowingly.  "Very well sir.  However, if there are any further problems, I will recommend to you that he be removed from the security department, and possibly even Starfleet."
     Blanton looked at Trianth for a moment, before rising and walking to the replicator.
     "Computer, cafe au latte."  Blanton lifted the cup carefully a moment later, before walking back to his desk.
     "Mr. Trianth, there are obviously some qualities about this young man that are considered top of the line from Starfleet Academy's prespective.  He scored very high on his finals, and graduated with high honors.  Third in his entire class in fact."  Blanton sipped the steaming coffee.  "I ask you to consider that before making your recommendations to me.  Dismissed."
     Trianth exited, his irritation evident.  Blanton considered this, as he continued to peruse the information on his monitor.  Some strange orders had been transmitted from Starfleet Command lately, and Blanton was starting to grow very concerned indeed.

  Chapter 3

     Stardate 38431.4
     Verionius sat quietly in his quarters, preparing himself for the part he was to play.  His observations for the past three months had finally showed him what he needed to know in order to carry out the Captain's plan.
     The door chimed, right on cue.  Verionius stood.
     "Come in."
     The door opened and Ensign Rivers stepped in slowly.  He grinned a fierce grin as he approached Verionius.
     "Okay Cadet.  I got the message that you had to talk to me."
     Verionius nodded his head, and began speaking the well rehearsed lines he had prepared.
     "May I speak off the record, sir?"
     Rivers nodded enthusiastically.  "Hey, I'm off duty and so are you.  Call me Tom."
     "Tom.  I joined Starfleet looking for a way off my world, away from my parents, and a way to make a little money to settle down after a few years.  I look around, and find out that money is not something that Starfleet handles.  I do not look forward to the next 40 years or more of my life being wasted, so I can retire to some Federation colony and live comfortably.  But I have also noticed that some of you have a little more to spend when we go on shoreleave.  You are my best friend on this ship, and I was hoping you could fill me on the action."
     Rivers looked uncomfortable.  "Oh, listen Verionius, you tapped the wrong guy pal.  I don't know what you are talking about."  He moved toward the door.
     Verionius nodded sadly.  "Well, I know you would not lie to me.  So I guess I better go with plan B."
     Rivers stopped and turned back around.  "Plan B?"
     Verionius nodded.  "Next port we come to, I jump ship.  Get on with one of the 'Free Trade' merchant ships."
     Rivers grinned again.  "You mean pirates?"
     Verionius looked at him with a serious expression.  "Yes.  You don't understand where I am coming from I guess, but I can not return to Fesaon empty handed, except for my Starfleet retirement papers.  I need a profit."
     Rivers considered this.  "Verionius.  I have come to know you pretty well.  You don't want to be a pirate."  He exhaled slowly.  "Look, this goes out anywhere, and I will know who it came from, understand?"
     Verionius nodded.
     "You were right.  A couple of us have a good thing going.  I could talk to them, talk to our head guy.  With luck, we could cut you in and you could stay in Starfleet."
     Rivers looked at Verionius for a moment and nodded.  "I have seen you in the drills, and in the holodeck training.  You do pretty damn good for a cadet.  I think you would be a big benefit to our group."
     Rivers headed for the door.  "I'll be in touch with you soon."  The door slid shut behind him, and Verionius realized that the first big step had been taken.

     The next day, Ensign Rivers approached Verionius outside the ship's armory, and leaned against the wall next to him.
     "Meet me at holodeck 1 as soon as your off duty."  He said softly.  "Got a new program for you check out."
     "I think I may have to bow out."  Verionius replied.
     "You'll like this though.  It's called 'Space Pirates'."  Rivers looked at him knowingly.
     Verionius caught the cue, and nodded.  "Sounds interesting enough.  I'll meet you there at 2300 hours."
     Rivers nodded and walked away grinning.
     Verionius considered the significance of this.  Either he was going to be accepted into the ring operating on this ship, or the safety protocals in the holodeck would "fail" and he would be another unfortunate accident on a Starfleet vessel.  He braced himself, and concentrating on his job at the armory.

     At 2300, Verionius approached holodeck 1, and looked around for Ensign Rivers.  No one was around, but Verionius noticed the wall console blinking, indicating a program in progress.  he stepped closer, and read the title.  "Space Pirates".
     "Computer, allow access please."
     *Cadet Verionius R'Ashiera.....access granted.  Enter when ready.*
     He stepped forward as the heavy doors slid open, and moved through them and into the holodeck.  As the doors slid shut, Verionius studied the appearance of the holodeck.  He was standing in a corridor, of an obviously old ship.  The deck plates vibrated unsteadily, and a large quantity of dust, rust, and darkened panels were abundant.  Verionius moved down the corridor, and began searching for the heart of the program.
     Suddenly, a door slid open behind him.  He turned and saw Ensign Rivers step out, clad in a grease covered uniform.  He grinned at Verionius as he approached.
     "Welcome, 'matey'.  Welcome aboard the pirate ship 'Devil's Spawn'".
     "Thank you, Tom.  So what is the nature of this program?"  Verionius stepped forward.
     "Why to show you the style of life you plan on living, also to talk unmonitered."  Rivers grew serious as he took Verionius by the arm.  "Come on, let's go meet the man."
     Rivers stepped through a doorway, beckoning Verionius to follow.  They moved down a passageway, darkened and filled with a heavy smell.  Finally they arrived at another door, which Rivers tapped on twice in sequence.
     The door slid open, and the two men stepped through.  The room they entered appeared to be this holographic ship's bridge.  Several men, either holograms or real, were sitting at the various stations.  One chair was elevated above the others, obviously the leader of this group.  He suddenly spun the chair around as Verionius and Rivers entered.  Verionius tried to hide his surprise at the sight of Lt. Commander Derrick Trianth.  Derrick grinned an almost evil grin as he regarded the young cadet.
     "So.  Cadet R'Ashiera, you are the young potential recruit that I was told about.  That is interesting indeed."  Trianth stepped down from his throne and stood before the andorian.
     "With your behavior on this ship, it almost seems too convienient that you are wanting to be involved.  Too convienient indeed."  He moved his hand down to his hip, where a nasty looking weapon hung in a dirty black holster.
     Verionius observed this, and nodded arogantly.  "So I am to be disposed of then?  Fine, do as you will."
     Trianth laughed.  "Oh I will young cadet.  I will.  I think it may be best for us to cut our losses now, after all why take any chances?  I have invested too many years in this for you or anyone else to come along and ruin things."  He drew the weapon, and took a bead on Verionius' head.  "Goodbye Cadet."
    Verionius drew in his breath.  "That is not a very honorable way to kill someone."
    Trianth paused for a moment.  "What?"
    "I said that was not an honorable way to kill someone.  In my culture, we fight with equally to show an honorable, and fair victory."  Verionius bared his teeth in an almost Klingon way.
    Trianth laughed.  "Who said that I had honor, Cadet?"
    *Bridge to Lt. Commander Trianth.*  The voice of Captain Blanton interupted from over the comm system.
    Trianth tapped his comm badge, still pointing the weapon at Verionius' head.  "Go ahead, Captain."
    *Report to the bridge.*
    Trianth frowned.  "On my way, sir."  He holstered the weapon.  "It appears that fate has spared you, Cadet.  Perhaps this is a sign that we should give you a chance."  He started to walk out.
    "Rivers, brief him on our next business venture, then report to me on the bridge."  Trianth said as he exited.
    Verionius turned to regard Ensign Rivers curiously.  Rivers grinned ear to ear.
    "You're in buddy.  I told you that you'd make it."  The two men headed for the exit, with Verionius wondering what would happen next.

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