Cadet Cruise
Part 2
by: Marcus Windweaver

  Chapter 4

    Stardate 37881.1
    Verionius frowned at the PADD in front of him.  According to the report he had requested from the computer, Lt. Commander Trianth had still not removed the insubordination remarks from his file.  Verionius swore, perturbed by this.  Trianth had promised that once Verionius had completed the first "special assignment" he would remove them.  Naturally Verionius had assumed that he would do so, as a good faith effort.  This only served to show Verionius that his superior was as dishonorable as he suspected.  The situation was not to Verionius' liking.  He did not like playing this role, it seemed deceitful and made him feel no better than the men he was attempting to turn in.
    Verionius reviewed his PADD.  So far he had documented several cases of Trianth's piracy.  He had gathered the names of many of the conspirators, but he knew that there were others that he had not uncovered yet.
    Verionius sighed.  He needed to have all the names together before he could turn over his information to the Captain.  Anything less would result in criminals escaping from justice.  Verionius checked his chronometer, and began encrypting the PADD.  Once he was finished, he stuffed the thin computer under his matress.  That done, he left his quarters and headed for his duties near the ship's armory.
    Moments after he left the quarters, the door slid open and Ensign Rivers entered the room.  He pulled out a tricorder and began sweeping it around the Cadet's room.  He stopped near the mattress, and focused his scan.  Then he reached beneath the mattress, and pulled out the PADD.  He quickly slid another PADD under the mattress, and hurried from the room.  Rivers moved quickly, taking well travelled path to Lt. Comdr. Derrick Trianth's door.  He tapped the door chime, and entered as the door opened.
    A half hour later, Rivers left the room with several more credits than he had when he entered.  He also had new orders, that he felt no pleasure in carrying out.  Cadet R'Ashiera was to suffer an accident before he could cause further damage to the cause.
    Rivers shook his head.  If only Verionius had been different.  If only he had not attempted to overthrow the cause.  Then he would have had a future.  Rivers sighed.  The only future Verionius had now would be as a corpse.


    Verionius sat quietly in the crew lounge, and sipped his cup of Andorian Bark tea.  Around him, other crew members milled about, chatting, laughing.  Verionius sat alone by choice.  He did not feel a connection to these people, much like when he had been in the Academy.  His only close friend had been his room mate, a vulcan by the name of Pret'ahna.  The two had gained much from one another, and Verionius had hoped that his friend would be assigned to Gettysburg with him.  Unfortunately the vulcan had recieved assignment to a long range science vessel.  It would be a year, at least, before Verionius would meet with his friend again.
    "Verionius."  Ensign Rivers approached, with a smile on his face.  "Can I join you?"
    Verionius shrugged, and waved to the empty seat across from him.
    "Thanks."  Rivers grinned as he sat down, and slurped his coffee noisely as he looked around the room.  "So, what plans do you have after your shift is over?"
    Verionius shrugged again.  "Probably go back to my quarters."
    Rivers frowned at this.  "Just go home?  Nah, that won't do it.  You need some action, my friend."
    Verionius glanced at the human.  "Such as?"
    Rivers leaned close.  "I got a great holodeck program for you to try.  Totally awesome.  Very, invigorating."
    Verionius shook his head.  "I have had enough of holodeck programs.  Thanks."
    Rivers nodded.  "You'll love this one.  You get to take part in a full contact hand to hand fight with three klingon warriors."
    Verionius looked at Rivers and blinked.  "That sounds very stimulating, but no thanks."  He finished his tea.  "There is no honor in fighting a fake opponent, and knowing that there is no risk to you."
    Rivers grasped Verionius' arm.  "That's just it.  This one removes the safety interface on the holodeck.  Reduces it to 50% of normal, without notifying anyone.  You can't get killed, but you can get all kinds of hurt."
    Verionius blinked again.  "Well...."
    Rivers grinned wider.  "Come on.  I want to see the results of an Andorian vs. three Klingons.  I'm taking part in it too."
    Verionius relented.  "Very well.  I'll meet you there when my shift ends."  With that said, he stood and exited the lounge without looking back.  Rivers watched him leave, then nodded to Trianth, who was standing nearby.  Trianth nodded back, and turned away again.

    The hours passed quickly, and Verionius found himself at the holodeck once more.  He waited for a few more moments, while contemplating the list of names he had for the Captain.  (Just a few more days, and this assignment will be all over)  He thought with a slight smile.
    "R'Ashiera."  Ensign Rivers dashed up.  "You ready for this?"
    Verionius nodded.  "Yeah, let's see what you have."
    "Actually.  You will have to go alone on this, buddy.  I have to serve bridge duty."  Rivers frowned.  "But hey, you can demo it for me."
    Verionius frowned, then shrugged.  "Alright."
    Rivers grinned.  "Computer, run program Rivers Alpha Gemini."
    *Program complete.  Enter when ready.*
    The doors parted as Verionius stepped in.  He turned to look at Rivers.
    "See you later."  The doors slid shut.
    Rivers nodded grimly.  "I'll see you, but I don't think you'll see me."  Rivers activated the security lockout on the holodeck doors.  He was not happy about this.  He had liked the Andorian, but Trianth was right.  If Verionius was able to get his information to the Captain, they would all be busted.  Rivers finished his entry, and quickly moved down the hall.
    Inside the holodeck, Verionius found himself standing in an old smelly arena.  Three Klingons in armor stood nearby staring at him.  On the dusty floor in front of him was a Klingon Bat'Leth.  As Verionius picked it up, Lt. Commander Trianth stepped out in front of him.
    "Hello Cadet."  Trianth had an evil grin as he stared at Verionius.
    "Hello Commander.  Are you joining me in here?"  Verionius blinked.
    "Oh heavens no."  Trianth chuckled.  "Actually I am either on the bridge, or the armory or some such place."  He brushed his hand along the area railing.  "You see, this is part of the program.  A final goodbye from me, if you will."  He stared at the young man.  "We found out what you are, R'Ashiera.  We already found one copy of your information for Captain Blanton.  That is why we orchestrated this."  He spread his arms wide, to encompass the room.  "Three battle hardened Klingon warriors vs. one Andorian cadet.  You do the math as to who will win.  Oh, and just for variety...the safety interfaces are turned off."
    Verionius felt his blood run cold.
    "You will not be leaving this room alive, R'Ashiera.  And with your death lies the death of all of your detective work."  Trianth waved his hand.  "So long."  His image faded, as the Klingons moved closer.
    "Computer, end program."
    *Unable to comply*
    *Computer, arch."
    *Unable to comply.*
    Verionius swore, as he backed away.  This was not good.
    "Computer, re-activate safety interfaces."
    *Warning - that function is not authorized to current user.*
    Verionius swore again, as the first of the Klingons reached him, and swung a Mek'Leth at him.  Verionius quickly blocked the well aimed blow, and attempted to side step.  The second Klingon approached, also armed with a Bat'Leth.  The third Klingon stood back, growling and shifting a dagger from hand to hand.
    "I don't suppose we can discuss this.."  Verionius muttered as he swung the heavy curved blade around.  The Klingons growled in response, and spoke in their glutteral language.  Verionius began plotting his options.  Sadly, not many came to mind.  Verionius dodged another swing, and rolled to the side.  The Bat'Leth he was using was not his weapon of choice.  It was too bulky for Verionius' liking.  Unfortunately there were not many options.  He dodged the next swing, and felt the edge of the blade slice through his shoulder.  A sharp pain rang through his arm, and he nearly dropped the blade.  He glanced down, and saw his arm coated with blood.  Another swing, and the Bat'Leth flew from his hands, hitting the floor with a resounding clang.
    "What I would not give for a phaser."  Verionius said as he attempted to flee from his pursuers.  "Wait a minute...Computer, give me a class 2 phaser."
    The object he requested appeared in front of him, and he snatched it while rolling.  The Mek'Leth slammed into the floor, just beside his head.  He quickly pressed the buttons, setting the weapon for maximum.  As the Klingon with the Mek'Leth swung for his chest, he pressed the trigger.  A beam of brilliant orange light streamed forth, striking the Klingon in his chest.  The orange energy coursed over the being, reducing him to nothingness as his very body was vaporized.  Verionius quickly whirled, and fired at the next Klingon rendering him down to his component atoms as well.  As he searched for the third Klingon, he was puzzled to find that he had disappeared.  Verionius frowned, and turned back to where the exit had been.  As he turned, the red beam of a Klingon disrupter struck where he had been standing.  Verionius dove for the floor, and quickly crawled for a nearby outcropping of rock.  Another disrupter beam struck, swirling up a cloud of dust.  Verionius made it behind this shelter, wincing from the dust that coated his injury.
    "Andorian!"  The Klingon called out.  "Come out now, and die with honor."
    "To a hologram?  I don't think so."  Verionius answered.  Another disrupter beam singed the rock, breaking pieces away.
    Another thought struck Verionius.  If Trianth had not been smart enough to counter the request for a phaser..
    "Computer, give me a Type L-5 personal force field generator."
    With a humming sound, the device appeared.  Verionius quickly activated it, setting it to cover his area.  This actually was working.  The force field sparked as it deflected the disrupter beam.  Another shot hit, and another.  Suddenly a howl of frustration, as the Klingon leapt from his position and charged Verionius.  The Andorian stood.
    "Force field off."  He said, as he fired his phaser.  The Klingon disappeared.  "Too easy."  Verionius smiled as he set the weapon down.  As expected, the holodeck images faded, and the door unlatched.  Verionius walked over.
    "Exit."  As the door opened, he stepped out confidently, and headed for his quarters.

    On the bridge Trianth noticed the light flash once, then twice on his console.  The holodeck program had automatically terminated itself, and erased the coding to prevent anyone snooping to see who had done it.  All they would find would be a dead Andorian cadet, and the deactivated safety protocals.  Trianth smiled as he considered how easy it had been to eliminate this threat.
    The turbolift doors slid open, and Verionius entered the bridge.  Trianth felt his job drop.  He quickly feigned innocence.
    Verionius stared at Trianth bitterly.  He then focused on Captain Blanton.
    "Captain, I have some information for you."
    Blanton looked at Verionius.
    "This man is leading a pirate ring aboard your ship."  Verinoius pointed at Trianth.  Blanton rose.
    "Security, stand by."  Blanton tapped his comm.  "Mr. R'Ashiera, do you have proof?"
    Verionius nodded.  "Plus he attempted to have me killed."
    Trianth stepped forward.  "This is an outrage!  Captain, allow me to remove this insubordinate Cadet from the bridge."
    Blanton shook his head, as three armed officers stepped on the bridge.  "We'll sort this out later.  Take Lt. Commander Trianth to the brig, under arrest."
    Trianth started to protest, but demurred when the guards raised their weapons.  He glared at Verionius as he was led off the bridge.  "You'll pay for this."
    After the guards led Trianth from the bridge, Blanton turned to Verionius.  "In my ready room."
    Once inside, Verionius quickly told Blanton of all that he had learned.  Blanton made notes of all of the names that Verionius gave him, 20 in all.  Once the young Cadet had stopped speaking, Blanton sadly shook his head.
    "Thank you R'Ashiera.  Now the hard part is over."  He contemplated that.  "Or else it's just begun."  He tapped on the comm button.  "Commander Barnes to the ready room."
    A moment later, the Executive Officer walked in, and nodded at Blanton.
    "Commander, I want the following crewmen relieved of duty, and locked in the brig."  Blanton handed Barnes the PADD.  "They are guilty of treason, and of illegal weapons sales."
    Barnes looked at the list.  "Sir, this is incredible.  Who discovered this?  And why wasn't I informed of the investigation?"
    Blanton nodded toward Verionius.  "Cadet R'Ashiera is responsible for the investigation.  And sorry Number One, I wanted to keep this quiet until we found them all."
    Barnes caught the hidden meaning and nodded.  "Understood sir.  I better get this group off to jail."  He looked at Verionius.  "Good work, Cadet."
    "Thank you Commander."  Verionius felt good.  He had impressed the Commanding Officer, and Executive Officer with this job.
    "Cadet, why don't you go back to your quarters.  Take some R&R for a little while."  Blanton smiled at Verionius.  "You've earned it."  He paused for a moment.  "Excuse me, I meant Ensign R'Ashiera."
    Verionius felt pride.  "Thank you sir."  He saluted smartly, and exited the room.  The entire walk to his quarters he kept hearing the words over and over.  Ensign R'Ashiera.


    Verionius woke up to the sound of air hissing in his room.  He slowly rolled over, and immediately felt his eyes burn.  The air was filled with gas, and was burning his skin and face.  He made his way over to the computer terminal, coughing as he covered his face.
    "Computer, purge atmosphere in these quarters and replenish."
    A few seconds later, the air began to clear, and Verionius felt his head clear as well.  He shook his head, and looked around.  On the floor near his bed was a ruptured cannister of pure Nitric acid gas.  Verionius shuddered as he realized that if he had not woke up, the acid would have dissolved in his lungs, and eaten him from the inside out.  He tapped his comm badge.
    "R'Ashiera to bridge."
    There was no response.  Verionius frowned as he tapped it again.  Still nothing.  He grabbed his dagger and stashed it in his waistband, as he exited his quarters.  He looked up and down the corridor, but did not notice anything amiss.  He moved swiftly to the turbolift, and stepped into the compartment.
    "Bridge."  He said, and took a deep breath as the lift moved toward the command center.  Suddenly the turbolift lights went out, and the car jerked to a stop.  Verionius tapped the panel, and was rewarded with nothing.  A moment later, the car moved up again, before stopping once more.  As the car jerked to a stop, Verionius braced himself for the inevitable.  Sure enough, when the door slid open there were some men with phasers pointed at him.  Ensign Rivers stood in front, and gestured for Verionius to exit the car.  Once , he saw that none of the four men standing here were on his list, other than Rivers.  Verionius sneered at the men.
    "So, some of you escaped my notice."
    Rivers frowned.  "Don't be so smug, Verionius.  You may have escaped our attempt in the holodeck, but this is one that you will not escape from."
    Verionius noticed where he was.  The deck 2 docking airlock.  The way the men stood implied to Verionius what was going to happen.
    "So, Rivers.  What is it going to be?  Accidently flushed out the air lock?  Or suicide?"  Verionius glared at his former friend.
    "Neither."  Rivers said smuggly.  "It is going to be exactly this.  An assassination."
    "You aren't even going to hide it?"
    Rivers shook his head.  "Nope.  Lt. Commander Trianth escapes, catches you, and then flushes you out the airlock."  Rivers grinned an evil grin.  "Right before he gets away in a shuttle pod."
    Verionius nodded.  "Well thought out.  You are going to have one heck of a good career, as a pirate."  He turned away.  "So let's get this over with."  Unseen by Rivers, he slid the thin bladed dagger free, and concealed it along his arm.
    Rivers nodded at one of the others.  The man ushered Verionius toward the airlock door, phaser against his back.  As they reached the door, Verionius stumbled.  As the man reached forward to grab him, Verionius swung his arm up and back, striking the man across the head.  The man dropped, and Verionius quickly rolled off to the side.  He grabbed the man's phaser as he rolled.  Rivers was yelling orders to the other two men.
    "Cut him down, force him into the airlock."
    Verionius considered the situation.  He could stand and fight here, and possibly be overwealmed and killed.  Or he could take this advantage to turn the tables.  He opted for number two.  With a quick gesture, he stood and hurled the dagger to where Rivers stood barking out orders.  The dagger penetrated just below the man's chin, and protruded out the back of his neck.  Rivers dropped to his knees, and his hands went up to tug at the metal blade.  Red blood spurted freely.  With the other men distracted, Verionius snatched a spacesuit, and flung himself into the inner airlock.  He quickly tugged the suit on, and began trying to fasten all of the latches.  He felt his ears pop as the pressure changed.  He looked up at the door, and saw Trianth glaring at him.  The pressure decreased to zero, and the outer door began to open.  Verionius clamped his mouth shut, and finished fastening the gloves.  He snatched the helmet, as he began to drift out the door, and just as rapidly fastened it on.  The hissing of air within the helmet felt good, and Verionius sucked at the sweet oxygen.  He kicked himself out the airlock, catching a final glimpse of Trianth screaming his rage.  Once free of the airlock, Verionius took a survey of his surroundings.  From where he was floating, he was near the bridge.  Just above him, several feet, were the upper warp nacelles.  Not too far in the distance, the deep space comm station that Gettysburg had been repairing was floating in the inky depths.  He opted to head for the bridge, and try to communicate with Blanton.  As he floated that way, he noticed the outer airlock door lights flashing, signalling that another party was coming out.  Verionius swore, as he realized that he was going to have to come up with another plan.  He made his choice, and kicked away from the saucer again.  As he began slowly floating toward the comm station, he vented some of his air supply for added thrust.
    A few moments, which seemed an eternity, later he grasped onto the hull of the comm station, and stopped his flight.  He quickly scrambled over the surface of the station, searching for an airlock door.  In a moment he found one, and opened to control panel to activate the unit.  Another moment, and the outer doors slid open.  Verionius propelled himself inside, and closed the outer door.  Once the cabin pressurized, he stepped into the cramped control chamber of the unmanned station.  He made his way over to the comm panel.  After checking the external sensors, he activated the small viewscreen.  Luckily enough whoever had pursued him out of the ship had not made it to the station yet.  He started to signal the ship, when he suddenly noticed something that made his heart leap.  The ship was moving away from the station, slowly at the moment, but accelerating.  Verionius tapped on the comm panel.
    "Verionius to Gettysburg.  Mayday, mayday.  I am aboard the comm station.  I need assistance stat."
    On the viewscreen, he saw the Gettysburg seem to pause.  Then, with a blur the ship jumped into warp and disappeared.  A few minutes passed with no response.  Verionius tapped the comm panel, and resent the message.  He then activated an emergency beacon, and waited.  The station had an emergency supply of oxygen, enough for one man to survive for 36 hours.  Less time if there were more than one aboard.  Verionius checked his suits' supply.  Only 6 hours remained after he had vented the tanks to thrust over to here.  He sat down, and waited.


    As the hours ticked by, Verionius continued to check his signal.  So far no response had come back.  Verionius knew that there were other starships in this region, and that it would be just a matter of time before one of them responded.  As this thought crossed his mind, the external sensors suddenly bleeped.  Verionius checked the readout, and was puzzled when it recorded nothing.  It was then that he heard the airlock door cycle open.  He swore as he rushed over to the inner door, and peered into the chamber.  The outer door was open, and a suited figure floated in.  He waved at Verionius through the window, and the comm channel opened.
    *I told you that you would pay Verionius.  And now it ends.*
    Trianth.  Verionius grimaced at the sound of his voice.  He tapped his comm button on the suit.  "I think not.  I have the inner doors locked, and the passwords re-configured.  You will not be coming in."
    *No?  We shall see.*  He lifted his arm, and aimed a phaser at the inner door.  *At maximum setting it should just take a few bursts to open that door.*  He fired the phaser, and Verionius stepped away from the door as the outer layer of duranium melted away.  Verionius quickly grabbed his suit helmet, and switched the station's life support off.  He snugged his helmet on, as the second burst hit the door.  The metal on the inside of the door seemed to bend outward, as the air pressure shifted.  One final burst, and the door exploded outward.  The remaining air sucked at Verionius as it fled the station.  Verionius grabbed a support and clung to it until the worst was over.  Once the air was gone, Verionius magnetized his boots, and crept forward, his own phaser in hand.  He peered out the door, but Trianth was not there.
    *Come on out, R'Ashiera.  I can phaser this station out of existance.*
    "Why don't you come in?"  Verionius grinned fiercely.  "Let's see who is the better shot."
    *I think not.*  Verionius noticed the sensor panel go dead.  *There, now that you are blind to my position, I have the advantage again.*
    Verionius glared at the panel, and tried to gather his thoughts.  Trianth could hold true to what he said, and blast this station apart.  He would be stupid enough to come through the airlock, where Verionius could easily trap him; just as Verionius would not be stupid enough to come out.  It was a standoff, until Verionius ran out of air anyway.
    Minutes ticked by into hours.  Occassionally Trianth uttered a threat, and disintegrated new sections of the station.  Verionius watched his air supply diminish.  He frowned at the display.  He had read it earlier, and it had 6 hours.  Now it showed only 30 minutes, even though only two hours had passed.  It was then that Verionius noticed the small gash in the suit's air tanks.  He swore as he realized that it must have happened when he was knocked around after the airlock door had been blown.  He had to think fast.
    "Commander Trianth.  This is ridiculous.  Neither of us is getting any younger here.  And this standoff is not an honorable solution."
    *Then come out, R'Ashiera.  I shall end your suffering.*
    Verionius frowned.  "Why not settle this like men?  Or are you a coward?"
    *Coward?  No.  Nor am I stupid.  I am not walking into whatever trap you may have devised.*
    The display in his helmet flashed.  15 minutes of air.  Verionius swore again
    "Then I shall just have to come out."  And with that he pushed himself into the doorway, with the small unit he had disconnected from the station in his hand.  Sure enough, Trianth stood waiting, phaser leveled at Verionius.  He frowned at the box in Verionius hands.
    *What is that, R'Ashiera?*
    "This?  Oh, nothing much.  Just a small plasma induction unit.  And if you fire that phaser at me, you risk puncturing it."
    *Are you insane?  If that ruptures, this whole station goes up!*  Trianth exclaimed.
    "I know.  Now throw that phaser away, and let's settle this."  Verionius grinned.  5 minutes, the display flashed.
    Trianth hurled the phaser away.  *Fine.*
    Verionius set the unit down, and kicked off the floor, hurtling himself at Trianth.  The former security chief side stepped, and Verionius spun out the airlock and into space.  As he used the small thrusters to reorient, he noticed Trianth had a phaser in hand again.  He waved at Verionius.
    *No tricks now, eh R'Ashiera?*
    "You are without honor."  Verionius stated, as he realized that he had lost.
    *Yes, I am.  And in a second you will be without life.  Goodbye you Andorian son of a ....*
    The rest of Trianth's sentence ended as a transporter beam swept him away.  Verionius then noticed a Constellation Class ship, moving toward him.  A moment later and the beam also surrounded him.  The light faded, and the transporter room formed around him.  As the warning light came on in his helmet, he unlatched it and took a deep breath.  Commander Barnes and Captain Blanton stepped forward.
    "Ensign, are you okay?"
    Verionius nodded.  "Thank you Captain, Commander."
    Barnes grinned.  "Smart thinking, getting yourself to that station and signalling us.  We were chasing a red herring that your friend Trianth set up.  We realized what had happened, and turned back.  Just in time it seems."
    Verionius nodded.  "Indeed."
    Blanton smiled at the young man.  "We have all of the conspirators in the brig, son.  All except Rivers that is.  Someday you have to teach me to throw a knife like the men say you threw it."
    "If we are ever stationed together, after this cruise, I would like that."
    Blanton grinned.  "I think that we'll have plenty of time, son.  I already put a request in to Starfleet.  If you want a post on Gettysburg, it's yours."
    Verionius looked at the Captain, then at the First Officer.  He nodded.
    "I would like that very much sir.  I just hope that my entire service here is not like the first cruise I took."
    Blanton laughed as he put his arm around Verionius' shoulder and moved him out of the transporter room.  "Come on son, these are the best kinds of missions.  Real seat of the pants type stuff."
    The door shut behind the two, and Barnes stared after them for a moment.
    (No doubt about it.  That young man has quite a career ahead of him.)  Barnes grinned as he started out the door.  (Who knows?  Maybe someday Verionius will be Captain in his own right.)
    The transporter door shut behind him, and another day ended on the Gettysburg, while the career of Verionius R'Ashiera had just begun.

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