Episode Two: Federation - Part One

    Captain's log - Stardate: 52210.4: The Farseeker has set out on our mission to explore the Unilar sector, just outside of Federation space.   Since it will take us several days to reach the border I have taken the opportunity to work closely with Lt. Commander Walker in holodeck drills.  I have found many reasons to be impressed with my Executive Officer.  Although she is human she seems to have the spirit of an Andorian inside her.

Chapter One

    Lt. Commander Martha Alton finished her final diagnostics on the ship's tactical and defensive systems and shut off the program.  It had been a lot of work in the last two days but well worth it.  Farseeker was ready from a security standpoint.  Now all that remained was instructing Lieutenant (jg) Torkon on Alton's personal security policies.
    Lt. R'Mlek entered the bridge and gave Alton a curt nod before proceeding to his station.  He sat down and began running his hourly diagnostics on the ship's forward sensor arrays.
    Lieutenant Matthew Holbrock looked up from the Ops console and spoke to Ramses.  "All systems are in order.  Do we have to stay at our duty stations for much longer?"
    Ramses shrugged.  "Dunno.  As soon as Commander R'Ashiera, and Lt. Commander Walker tell us we can take a break we can go, I guess."
    Holbrock sighed and took a moment to look around the bridge at his fellow crewmates.  They seemed to all be at ease with their duties, whereas he felt turmoil inside.  His mind had not fully been on the job of getting this new starship ready.  He still was thinking back a few days before when he had nearly lost his position on the ship, and in Starfleet.  The commanding officer had no reason for offering Holbrock a second chance, and yet he had.
    It's the least I can do to concentrate on my job, dammit,  Holbrock thought to himself as he turned back to his console.
    Lt. (jg) Brakkis Andor entered the bridge, and crossed to his chair.  He looked at the empty command chair and then turned to look around the bridge.  Alton caught his eye.
    "Excuse me, Lt. Comdr. Alton.  When will Commander R'Ashiera, and Lt. Commander Walker be back on the bridge?"
    Alton leaned over the security console.  "They are running another drill in the holodeck.  In fact you just missed Lt. Commander Walker by a few minutes.  She just headed down to holodeck 3 to meet him."
    "So who is running the bridge?"
    "You're talking to her.  I had some diagnostics to run so I decided to work from my station,"  Alton shrugged.  "Besides, it's not likely that we need all the command officers on the bridge at all times while in space dock."
Andor nodded and began typing on his console.  He opened up his journal and began observing bridge activity while typing notes.  Alton watched the Bajoran counselor for a moment, then tapped her comm badge.  "Bridge to engineering."
    The voice of Lt. Commander Cameron Nathaniels spoke through her badge.  *Engineering here, what can I do for you?*
    "All systems report normal functions on the bridge.  What is the status of our engines?"
    *Everything's find down here.  I was just finishing some level 3 checks on this new engine core.  Tell me something though, when did the Security department become so concerned with the engine status?*
    "Well, at the moment I am the ranking officer on the bridge.  Can we be expecting you on the bridge at any point soon?"
    *Not unless I have to.  If you need someone manning the engineering station I can send up my assistant.*
    "Very well, bridge out."  Alton looked at the chronometer on the wall.  It read 1300 hours.  Alton frowned.  She had set up the bridge duty station shifts on 4 hour intervals starting at 0400, 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000, and finally 0000.  Ensign Ryan Emerson was to have been on the bridge at 1200 hours, and once late for his shift at the security console for the third time since the ship had left spacedock.  Alton tapped her comm badge, vowing that this time she was going to let the young Ensign know what being on time meant.

     Just outside of sickbay two officers were enjoying each other's company for a few minutes.  Both smiled shyly as they spoke.
    "I really had a good time last night, Janos."  Ensign Emerson smiled as he lingered in the door way.
    Ensign Janos Marciniak smiled back.  "So did I."
    "Can I see you again?"  Emerson asked eagerly.
    "You'll be seeing her from the med couch if you don't get out of my sickbay, Ensign."  Lt. Krell Bravor glared at the eager young man.  As if to emphasize her point the intercom activated.
    *Ensign Emerson, report to the bridge at once.*
    Ryan nodded as he flew down the hall.  He waved farewell to Janos as he tapped his comm badge.
    "On my way, sir."
    As he entered the turbolift he nearly flattened Lt. Gookan who was exiting.  Gookan steadied the young Ensign and hurried toward the science labs.  Ryan hurriedly ordered the turbolift to the bridge, and grew dismayed when it stopped to pick up another passenger.  A young Caitian female in a dirty engineering uniform stepped into the lift.  She regarded him momentarily then ordered the car to the bridge.
    A few short seconds later Ryan stepped out and observed Lt. Commander Alton glaring at him as well as the Assistant Security Chief Lieutenant (jg) Torkon.  Ryan straightened his uniform tunic and stepped forward.
    "Ensign Ryan Emerson reporting for duty, sir."
    Alton looked at him incredulously.  "Ensign do you remember what time your duty shift is to start?"
    Emerson groaned inwardly.  "Yes sir.  It is to begin at 1200 hours, sir."
    "Ensign, when you are late for your duty shift it causes other officers to have to cover for you."
    Ryan fidgeted nervously.  He licked his lips and started to speak.  Alton silenced him with a glance.
    "Would you prefer another duty assignment instead of bridge duty?"
    Ryan felt his stomach lurch.  All security personnel wanted the bridge assignments.  Being yanked off rotation this early in his posting to Farseeker would not enhance his reputation.
    "No sir."
    "Then perhaps you should demonstrate that to me."  Alton frowned.  "If you are late to duty one more time for any reason less than a Borg take over of this ship, you will spend the rest of your duty time here guarding the ship's armory.  Am I understood?"
    "Yes sir.  It won't happen again."
    Alton nodded and headed for the command chair.  Torkon stepped close to the young Ensign.
    "I say, chap.  You need to watch the time closer."  The Klingon officer's british accent always caught Emerson off guard, as it did so many others.  He fought to contain a chuckle.
    "Something funny?"  The Klingon added.  Emerson remembered that it was a Klingon who was all of five inches from him.
    "No sir."
    "Carry on then."
    Emerson turned to the security console and checked the duty logs.  A thin bead of sweat drying on his forehead.

    Commander Verionius R'Ashiera and Lt. Commander Katya Walker made their way through the thick bramble, moving silently as could be expected.  As they crested a hill Verionius signaled Walker to stop. He gestured ahead and Walker spotted the Commander's target of concern.  Just ahead three Jem'Hadar soldiers were moving in on a small type 7 shuttlecraft.  Walker could not read all of the details of the shuttle from here, but could just barely glimpse the damaged access hatch.  The access hatch that the Jem'Hadar would be able to enter the ship with.
    Walker signaled to Verionius, and began making her way toward the crippled shuttle. Verionius drew his phaser, and followed.  As they moved closer, Verionius began detecting sound from the shuttle.  He twitched his antenna forward, and could hear the ragged breathing of the shuttle's occupants.
    *This is Ensign Maggie Wilson to anyone in range of my signal.  My shuttle has crashed with major damage, and I am surrounded by Jem'Hadar soldiers.  If there is anyone in range of this signal, for the love of God help me!*
    Verionius aimed his phaser at the Jem'Hadar, and rose from the brush.
    "Move away from the shuttle by order of Starfleet!  This is the only warning you will get!"
    The Jem'Hadar whirled around, immediately firing at Verionius.  He dove into the bramble, firing as he rolled.  The shot went wild, and the Jem'Hadar advanced on him.  Verionius tapped his comm badge.  "Now!" Walker suddenly flew upward, her phaser rapidly firing at the Jem'Hadar.  In seconds it was over, and Verionius and Walker surveyed the scene.
    "Very nice Lt.  Nice indeed.  Next time we might have to set a higher difficulty rating."
Walker shrugged.  "Fine by me, I want to break a sweat."
Verionius opened his mouth to reply, when he was interrupted by the intercom.
    *Bridge to Commander R'Ashiera.*
    Verionius sighed as he tapped his comm badge.  "R'Ashiera here."
    *Sir, Admiral Hunter is on the comm channel for you.*
    "Can you transfer the signal down here?"
    *He is sending this message as Priority 2, sir.*
    "Understood.  I'll take it in my ready room in five minutes.  R'Ashiera out."
    Verionius turned to Walker.  "Same workout later?"
    Walker smiled.  "Yes sir.  See you on the bridge."
    Verionius exited the holodeck and the heavy doors sealed behind him.  Walker took another moment to look around the scene.  She smiled as she replayed the action in her mind.  Then with satisfaction she turned to exit.
    "Computer, save program as Walker 15, and end."
    The scene vanished and was replaced by the familiar black walls with yellow gridlines as the doors slid shut behind her.

    Verionius stared at the screen without any emotion on his face.  He had just uploaded his report to Admiral Daniel Hunter, and was now watching the Admiral read it.  Verionius sat quietly while Hunter finished reviewing report.  He nodded and looked up at Verionius with a pained expression on his face.
    *Commander, I am rather disappointed with these reports.  They seem rather incomplete.*
    Verionius blinked.  "In what way sir?"
    *In the fact that there is information missing.  I think you need to have a talk with your Executive Officer.  If this is the manner of report she is going to have you upload, then you should reconsider her posting.*
    "Admiral, if you could at least tell me what you mean..."
    Hunter glared at him.  *Commander, if you ever want to make Captain then you will learn when to obey orders.*
    Verionius fought back the urge to tell the human off.  "Yes sir."
    *I expect better.  Starfleet wants full data on the regions you travel through, not assumptions and incomplete data.*
    Verionius nodded numbly.  "Admiral, I will review all the reports once more.  If there is additional data that we can put together for you, then I will send it."  He checked his desk console.  "We should be reaching the Federation border in four days, Terran standard."
    Hunter nodded.  *All the better that we find this hole in your information now, eh?*  Hunter pulled up a display of explored space.  He indicated a point beyond the Federations borders.  *You are ordered to take the Farseeker out beyond Federation space and catalog these three sectors.  Of particular interest is along the perceived Cardassian border.  Upon completion report back here for a de-brief.  The specifics of your mission are being uploaded to your console.*
    Verionius frowned.  "Sir, I thought we were just going to be surveying one sector for now.  This new assignment will keep us out of Federation space for months."
    Hunter cleared his throat.  *Commander, Starfleet feels that sending you out that distance for a mere sector is a waste of resources.*  He consulted a console to his left.  *According to this report on your ship's stores, you have sufficient materials to last you for up to two years without redocking.*
    "Yes sir, but...."
    *Then is there another problem with this assignment that I should be aware of?*
    Verionius sighed.  "No sir.  Farseeker will complete the task."
    *I shall expect updated reports from you in 48 hours.  Hunter out.*  The screen went black and then was filled with the Federation emblem.
    Verionius departed his ready room, and looked around the bridge.  He crossed to his command chair and hit the comm switch.
    "All senior officers, report to the bridge level briefing room."  He turned and exited the bridge.  "Helm, continue on course but increase speed to warp factor 7."
    "Aye sir."  Lt. Ramses said as he entered the changes.  As the ship continued to her destination her mighty nacelles flared up.  The ship began thrumming with energy and suddenly leaped forward.
    Lieutenant (jg) Faerun slid into the helm seat as Ramses followed the other senior officers into the briefing room.
    Counselor Brakkis Andor stopped his typing as he prepared to go to the briefing  A silent calm overtook him and he whispered to himself, "Promise fulfilled mother, life's journey underway."

    Chapter 2

    "So that is our assignment."  Verionius finished the briefing and looked down the table at his officers.  To his left, Walker was obviously fighting back a response.
    "Number One?"  Verionius prodded her to speak.
    "Sir, why is Starfleet assigning us to a mission of this nature without a proper shakedown cruise?"  Nathaniels asked with a frown.  "I mean for all they know our main sensor array could be completely malfunctioning."
    "Is it?"  Verionius looked at the man.
    "Well no, I'm just saying that it's a little weird to give an untested ship such a vital survey mission without running a full battery of tests in known space."  Nathaniels stared down at the table with a look of disgust.
    Verionius looked at the rest of the senior staff.  All of them seemed to be concurring with Nathaniels.  He nodded in acknowledgment.
    "Be that as it may, Commander."  He stared at the young man.  "We have orders to follow whether we agree with them or not.  This ship is also in need of a shakedown and if Starfleet wants us to spend our shakedown cataloging stars and other phenomena, then so be it."  He had a slight smile.  "It could always be worse."

    Later, in his ready room, Verionius re-read the mission assignment again. It only confirmed his thoughts that there was something odd about the Farseeker's assignment.  Verionius was not sure what made him feel that way, but something nagged at his suspicions.
    Verionius sighed deeply as he continued to sip his water.  It was against his nature to question his personal loyalty to Starfleet, but he found his mind creeping inexorably to that point over and over. Verionius' solitude was broken as the door chimed.
    "Enter", Verionius looked up to see Katya Walker enter the room.  "Yes?"  He asked impatiently
    "Sir, we are close to the Federation border,"  Walker started.  "the crew is awaiting your presence on the bridge."
    Verionius looked at her before nodding.  "Very well, drop us out of warp and proceed outside of Federation space.  Tell Mr. R'Mlek to begin sensor sweeps of the area."  He turned back to his PADD.
    Walker continued standing there.  "Sir, permission to speak freely?"
    Verionius nodded.  "Go ahead, Number One."
    "Sir, I can buy being sent to catalog a single sector of space.  That would take us a few months and would allow Starfleet to have a preliminary report on this ship.  But three sectors?"  She had a near perplexed look on her face.  "That will take us better than a year and a half, uninterrupted."  She sat down.   "You must feel the same way.  I can see it in your eyes."
    Verionius stood and headed for the door.  "I don't know what you mean, Commander Walker."
    "Sir."  Her voice made him stop and turn to her.  "If we are going to be able to work well together in all situations, we need to have total trust, right?"
    Verionius nodded.
    "Then why don't you trust me?"  She was almost pleading.
    Verionius sighed.  "Katya, have you ever had a time in your life where you find yourself questioning fundamental beliefs to the point where you don't know what is right anymore?"
    Walker nodded.
    Verionius smiled.  "Then you do understand what's in my mind."  He headed for the bridge entrance and crossed to his chair.
    "Sir, we are approaching the edge of Federation space.  Awaiting your command to proceed."  Ramses said barely masking the excitement in his voice.
    "Continue on course, but drop us out of warp."  He sat in his chair.  "Ahead at full impulse power."
    Verionius noticed Ramses looking at him.  "Yes, Lt.?"
    "Sir at full impulse power it will take us at least 10 hours to pass beyond the borders."  Ramses stated picking his words carefully.
    Verionius glared at him.  "Are you in a hurry Lt?"
    Ramses stiffened in his chair.  "No sir."
    "Then carry out my orders or let someone else take the conn."
    Ramses turned pale and punched buttons on his console.  "Full impulse power, sir."
    Verionius stood and ignored the looks the crew was sending him. "Commander Walker, you have the bridge."  He entered the turbolift and disappeared.
    A few moments of silence passed then Brakkis stood.  "Commander Walker, I need to speak with Commander R'Ashiera.  Permission to leave the bridge?"
    Walker nodded slowly.
    Brakkis stepped over to the turbolift and Walker sat back in the command chair heavily.  Her and Commander R'Ashiera had been starting to bond and suddenly his whole disposition had changed.  Walker knew that he would be irritated when the counselor caught up with him but she also knew that there were times that you needed to irritate others.  Even if they didn't agree.

    The turbolift doors slid open, startling Brakkis out of his thoughts.  A young Orion woman entered the lift and nodded greetings to him.
    "Deck Nine,"  she said an almost purring voice.  She turned to fully stare at Brakkis.
    "Can I assist you?"  He asked her in a polite tone.
    "You're the ship's shrink?"
    "I prefer to be called 'Counselor', but yes that is my duty assignment."
    "Can non-Starfleet personnel meet with you also?"
    "Of course,"  Brakkis nodded.  "My office is open to anyone on the ship.  Would you like to set up an appointment?"
    She laughed.  "Not right now, but thanks.  I meant for later in case I need someone to talk to."
    "Ah!" was Brakkis' response.  "I understand."
    "But perhaps you wouldn't mind answering a question for me... what's wrong with the Commanding Officer?  He was in Nine Forward last night for almost three hours not speaking to anyone, and acting really different.  Almost agitated."
    "That's what I'm hoping to determine," Brakkis told her as the turbolift whirred to a halt and the doors opened.
    "Thank you again, Counselor."  The woman winked.  "I'll be seeing you."  The doors slid back shut, but not before the young woman saw the smile on the counselor's face.

Chapter Three

    Walker stared at the screen glumly, not really noticing what was on the viewscreen.  The mission, as far as she was concerned, had started as a total disaster. She sighed and managed not to slump in her seat. This really sucks... She leaned on the arm of the command chair, chin in hand. And thought back to what had happened earlier with Verionius. This really really sucks.
    She sighed again and once more tossed around the incident back at Starbase 20 with Admiral Hunter.  The looks he had been shooting her spoke volumes. He hated her, she had no doubt about it. The cold looks that he had deliberatly given her were one thing, but she had also caught his reflection in a window of his office when she and Verionius had left, and the sheer hatred etched on his face had stunned her coming from a Starfleet Admiral. This really really REALLY sucks...
    She turned around and eyed the Security console. Torkon's eyes widened as they made eye contact and he practically ducked under his console. Which was no mean feat considering he was 6'6"or so... This really really really REALLY... Aw man. I'm getting repetitive here... This sucks... She resisted the urge to bap herself on the forehead. And then jumped out of her seat as though lighting had just struck her. And in a way, it had. She swiftly headed for the Captain's ready room.
    "Torkon, let me know if anything happens. I'll be in the ready room..."
The doors of the ready room swooshed shut before Torkon could even reply. He shruged and turned back to the security console..

    Walker leaned over the console in the ready room, working the console feverishly. She fervently hoped that whatever was bothering her about Hunter was totally unfounded. She hacked her way into a few secured files, and finding nothing related to what she wanted, opened a direct link towards Federation territory.
    *Who... AAAAGHH! Oh lord! You!!! What are you doing contacting me li-*
    "Shut up and relax," Walker snapped. "This is important. This channel is secured and encrypted."
    *You always were paranoid... Even back in the service... Whaddya want then?*
Walker grinned slowly. It wasn't a pleasant grin. The man she was talking to winced and shook his head slightly. Walker gestured towards the screen to get his attention and spoke softly.
    "This is what I want you to do..."

    For the tenth time in the last minute, Ramses checked his console. They were still moving exceptionally slow. Whatever this mission entailed was obviously not a matter of desperation. Any outposts under attack would be fossilised by the time they arrived....
    Stifling a fidget Ramses glanced about the bridge to see if anyone shared his look of abject boredom.  Everyone else seemed to be settled into their duties, or at least giving the illusion of it.  Ramses sighed.  He missed his old days working in Stellar Cartography at times like this.  At least there he could look bored and not have to worry about hiding it.  Just as he was about to resign himself to spending the next twenty-four hours on the bridge with Torkon leering over him, Walker re-entered the bridge. Katya noticed the sigh of relieve from Ramses, and blinked in surprise.
    "Problem Lieutenant ? " She asked as she eased herself back into the captain's chair.
    "Yeah. We keep this speed up, and I'm gonna be retiring before we get there."  Ramses turned back to his controls.  "Can't we at least go to warp one?"
    "You heard the Commander."  Walker said sharply.  She caught herself and toned her voice down a notch or so.  "I think he's testing our working relationships."
    "I hope I don't fail."  Holbrock muttered from the Ops station.
    Me too.  Walker thought to herself.  She moved over to her own chair to work on the larger console mounted next to it.
    *Sensor room to bridge!*
    "Bridge, go ahead."  Walker replied.
    *Sir, we have detected four starships in our rear quadrant.  They appear to be Cardassian Galor class battleships.  At their current speed they will close on us in ten minutes.*
    "Understood, bridge out."  Walker stood.  "Red Alert!  Captain to the bridge."  She turned to the tactical station.
    "Mr. DeLanthri?"
    Lt. Commander Marcus DeLanthri nodded his head.  "Sensor information is on my screen.  Energy signatures match as Cardassian ships."  He tapped a few buttons on his console.  "Shields are at full strength, phasers and torpedos are ready to arm."

The turbolift opened as Verionius and Andor practically ran in.  Verionius walked over to tactical.
    "Sir, we have 4 Galor class ships closing on us.  Their range and trajectory indicate that they were hidden in a small asteroid field."
    "They are definitely in Federation space."  Walker did not meet Verionius' eyes.
Verionius stepped around to his chair.  "It's time to see what this ship can do.  Verionius to Enginnering."
    *Nathaniels here.*
    "Commander Nathaniels, are we ready to test these new warp engines in combat?"
    *I've been ready to test them in combat since we launched, sir.*
    "You're going to get your chance.  Stand by, we are going to need full warp in a few minutes."
Verionius turned to Brakkis.  "Sorry for the interruption, counselor  Did you have something to speak to me about?"
Brakkis nodded.  "But it can wait for now sir."
Verionius turned to DeLanthri.  "Open a channel to the Cardys.  Let's see what they have in mind."
    "Channel open sir."
    "Cardassian ships, this is Commander Verionius R'Ashiera of the starship Farseeker.  You are in violation of Federation space."
    "We are being hailed."  DeLanthri stated.
    "On screen."
The viewscreen showed an older Cardassian male with a fierce sneer.
    *Commander R'Ashiera, I am Gul Vendat.  Beam over the person we seek and we shall withdraw from Federation space.*
Verionius' eyebrows raised.  "Beam over who?"
    *Your First Officer, Lt. Commander Katherine Walker.  We have orders to take her in for questioning.*
Verionius turned to look at Walker in shock.  She glared at the Cardassian and clenched her hands into fists.
    "Stand by, Gul Vendat."  Verionius signalled DeLanthri to mute the channel.  "Katya, do you know what this is about?"
    "An old vendetta sir."  Walker continued to glare at the screen.  "But I am not allowed to speak of it."
    "It's a classified matter, sir."
    "Right."  He looked at her somberly before signalling DeLanthri to reactivate the speakers.  Once he was given the acknowledgment he turned back to the screen.  "Gul Vendat, I invite you to try to take her.  Close channel."
    Verionius turned to Ramses.  "Lt., you were complaining that we were going too slow?  Go to maximum warp, now."
Ramses grinned as he entered the command.  The ship's engines hummed louder as the mighty ship prepared to leap away.
    "Sir, Cardassians have fired on us!"  DeLanthri shouted from his console.
The Cardassian torpedoes exploded against the ship, throwing it to the side, as it leaped into warp.

On to Part 2