Episode Two: "Federation" - Part Two

Chapter Four

    "Shields at 75%.  Damage to reports coming in from decks 27 through 33,"  DeLanthri reported in a brisk tone.  "They are in pursuit."
    "Mr. Ramses, keep us ahead of them,"  Verionius said as he stood.  "Time to see if you are as talented as your file says you are at evasive manuevers."
    "Yes sir,"  Ramses smiled.  "Accelerating to warp 6."
    "The Cardassians are gaining on us."  DeLanthri stated glumly.
    "Keep them guessing Mr. Ramses,"  Verionius moved over behind him.  "Set up a course of evasive manuevers that will confuse them enough for us to escape back to starbase."
    "I'll try sir.  But....,"  Ramses started.  The ship shook violently.
    "Another hit sir.  Shields down to 61%,"  DeLanthri hit a series of buttons.  "Shall we return fire?"
    "Fire a full volley of quantom torpedoes,"  Verionius ordered.  "Lets buy some breathing room."
    "Firing torpedoes."  DeLanthri replied.
    "Sensors show the lead Cardassian ship has dropped out of warp,"  Walker said quietly.  "The remaining three ships have slowed but are still in pursuit."
    "We're pulling away from them sir."  DeLanthri reported.
    Verionius nodded as he turned back to Ramses.  "You were saying?"
    "We're outnumbered sir.  I'm just a little...."  Ramses let out a long sigh.
    "Frightened?"  Verionius grinned fiercely.  "Then we have no choice but either escape or stop them, do we?"
    Ramses went pale.  His response was cut short by the comm.
    *Engineering to bridge.*
    "Go ahead."
    *If you can't convince the Cardies to stop firing on us, then I hope you can find us a place to hide soon.  I'm going to have to do some repairs that are going to require us to be to stopped.*
    "How much time do we have?"  Verionius asked with a look of concern.  "And how long will the ship have to be out of warp?"
    *I can give you about two more hours and then we have to drop out of warp.*
    "Can you stretch that number any?"
    Another impact shook the ship.
    *No sir.  In fact, that last hit ruptured a secondary coolant line.  We're going to have to drop out of warp in thirty minutes.*
    Verionius cursed silently as he considered this.
    "Understood Commander.  Do what you can in the meantime and keep me appraised.  Bridge out,"  Verionius looked over at Ramses.  "Find us a hiding place, Mr. Ramses.  A good one."
    "Yes sir."
    Verionius turned to Walker.  "We should talk."
    She sighed as she nodded.  "Yes sir."
    "My ready room,"  Verionius stood.  "Mr. DeLanthri, you have the bridge."
    "Aye sir."

    Verionius sat behind his desk and stared at Walker for several seconds before speaking.
    "So what does he want?"
    "This Gul Vendant.  Why does he want you so badly that he risks war to bring you to him?"  Verionius continued to stare at her.
    Walker swallowed hard as she stared down at the shiny black surface of Verionius' desk.  There were many things that she did not ever want to discuss with anyone, and this was near the top of that list.
    "I'd rather not say, sir."  She exhaled heavily.
    Verionius blinked.  This was not the answer he expected.
    "Number One....may I remind you that Gul Vendant was prepared to attack us to capture you,"  Verionius spoke as calmly as he could muster.  "I think that would be reason enough for you to open up to me."
    Walker felt her eyes burning and fought back the emotions that were coming forth.  "Verionius...in our short time serving together I come to think of you as a friend.  Don't get me wrong because I do trust you....it's just that,"  She paused as she gathered her thoughts.  "There are some things in my past that I can not speak of, to anyone."
    "Why?"  Verionius stared at her with a hard look.  "I would think that you could set any discomfort aside for the moment.  After all, the ship is at risk here....."
    "It's not a matter of discomfort,"  Walker interrupted him abruptly.  She stood and crossed over to the full length window across from Verionius' desk and spent long moments staring out into the rainbow streaked view.  "It's a matter of secrecy."
    "What?"  Verionius stood.
    "My file shows that I worked in the Special Operations area for three years, assigned to Starbase Theta Four,"  She continued to look out the window.  "That isn't true."
    Verionius felt a slight chill in his blood.
    "I can't reveal exactly what I was doing during that time.  Let's just say that I was working in a division that dealt with covert threats to the Federation."
    "Black Ops?"  Verionius said breathlessly.
    "Who?"  Walker asked in an almost sarcastic tone.  "There is no organization by that name in Starfleet."
    Verionius suddenly realized that much about his exec had now been explained, and so much more had become even more mysterious.  He sat back down and realized that whatever Gul Vendant wanted Walker for was worse than he could have imagined.  With that thought came the realization that even if he was left with no other options he couldn't hand her over to them.  Vendant would not let any of them escape alive.
    "Carry on, Number One,"  He said quietly.
    "Sir?"  She turned toward him.
    "You can go back to the bridge now,"  Verionius said as he looked at her evenly.  "I'm sorry I asked now."
    Walker stood for a moment, clenching and unclenching her fists.  She nodded savagely as she decided on her course of action.
    "This is off the record?"  She finally said.
    Verionius nodded.  "Computer, shut off all monitoring of this room."
    Walker sat down.
    "Here is why Gul Vendant is after me," she started.

    Ramses watched his console with tight scrutiny.  If they were going to come out of this alive and in one piece, it meant that he had to stay well ahead of the Cardassian ships pursuing them.  Not to mention that he needed to avoid any Cardassians moving toward them from any other direction.  Ramses felt sweat bead up on his forehead.  It was a daunting task, and Ramses prayed he was up to it.  He swallowed hard as he stole a glance around the bridge.  The others were just as intent on their job as him....and some of them seemed just as nervous.
    "Matt,"  he hissed to the man sitting next to him at Ops.  "What do you think our chances are?"
    "Slim,"  the man answered back with a shrug.  "But what a way to die, eh?"  He grinned almost savagely at his colleague.
    Ramses returned his gaze to his console.  Responses like the one Holbrock had given him were not what he needed.
    "Mr. Ramses, adjust heading to three four one mark two."  DeLanthri spoke from the tactical console.
    "Aye sir,"  Ramses responded as he entered the course change.  He frowned at the new course.  "Sir, that takes us into the gravity well of a binary star system."
    "I'm aware of that, Mr. Ramses," came the calculated response.  "I'm also aware that it will throw off the Cardassian sensors and will buy us some time."
    "The gravimetric waves will do some pretty nasty damage to us if our shields fail,"  Holbrock said.  "In fact, the longer we stay in the well the faster the shields will drop."  He checked his console.  "And we aren't in the best of shape now."
    "Take us in, Mr. Ramses."
    Ramses felt more sweat bead up on his forehead as he prayed that the tactical chief knew what he was doing.  He rechecked his console.
    "Sir, we should reach the edge of the gravity well in 3 minutes present speed."
    "Maintain speed."
    The seconds ticked by slowly.  Too slowly for Ramses' liking.  He wanted this over with.  He wanted the ship to be somewhere safe where the repairs that engineering mentioned could be made.  Every instinct inside him screamed to drop the ship out of warp, and set a course away from the upcoming star system.  His hands twitched slightly over the controls on his console.
    "Cardassian ships have reduced speed,"  Mr. R'Mlek said in a quiet monotone.  "Readings indicate they are adjusting their courses away from here."
    DeLanthri nodded and frowned as his console blinked, indicating an incoming signal.  The Cardassian ships were hailing them.
    "Captain to the bridge."
    Verionius and Walker rushed in.
    "Report."  Verionius said as he approached the command chair.
    "The Cardassians are hailing us."
    "On screen."
    A static filled image of Gul Vendant appeared.  The image wavered as the Gul glared at him.
    *Hiding in that gravity well won't save you for long.  Surrender Commander Walker to us, and we will withdraw.*
    Verionius smiled coldly.  "If you want her bad enough, why don't you come in here and get her?"
    Vendant smiled back just as coldly.  *I think not.  When you are forced to pull out due to the damage to your ship, we will be fully repaired and waiting.  Then we shall see if you are as bold.  Vendant out.*
    Verionius stood.  "R'Ashiera to engineering.  We've bought you some time, Mr. Nathaniels...use it wisely."
    *I hardly call the gravity well of a binary star 'buying some time', sir.  But it will help.*
    "Just do what you can.  Bridge out,"  Verionius looked around.  "While we have time to kill I want all senior officers in the conference room,"  He looked meaningfully at Walker.  "We have something to discuss."

    "Every repair we make is going to be complicated by the gravity well."  Perily snarled.
    "Tell me something I don't know, lady."  Nathaniels replied curtly.
    "If we don't get out of here soon..."
    "Don't get your fur up about it,"  Nathaniels grinned.  "We'll be fine."  He finished installing a regulator on the coolant line.  "There are worse situations than this one."
    "Oh?  Any you've been in?"
    Perily rolled her eyes and turned back to the patch she was welding.  "Beautiful."  She muttered to herself.

    The conference room was silent as everyone looked over to where Walker sat staring at Counselor Andor.
Walker stood and took a deep breath as she moved a step towards the Bajoran.  "You're implying that this is my fault?"
     Brakkis took a breath, almost withering under the exec's glare.  "Yes, ma'am... I am.  Maybe not directly your fault, but on some level you have involved us in an unnecessary conflict.  Obviously there is a good reason this Gul Vendant wants you, yes?"
 Walker was right in the Bajoran's face now.  "You think I am involved in this situation that is endangering the crew?  What did you think I called the Cardassians to come out and play?"
Brakkis shook his head.  "No, but as I said, there is a reason that they are hunting you.  I think it's only fair the rest of us know why."
    "Counselor,"  Verionius started.
    "No, he's right sir."  Walker looked around the room at the others.  "They do deserve to know."
    "If you don't want to,"  Verionius started.
    "No, I need to,"  Walker sat and looked at Brakkis.  "I'm sorry Counselor."
     "Quite all right," Brakkis replied, his voice barely a whisper.
     "About five minutes ago, Commander R'Ashiera said basically the same thing to me," Walker explained.  "And, although it was difficult for me to do, I told him what I knew.  I told him the truth."
    She sighed then looked everyone in the room in the eye calmly.
    "I have informed the captain of certain... events that happened in my past and involved Gul Vendat. I am afraid I simply cannot give you any more details at the moment. If nothing else," Walker sighed heavily,  " I would say that it is in your best interest not to know.  The Cardassians hold people guilty even for just hearing certain pieces of information.  I suppose I'm going to have to ask a hell of a lot from you.  Namely... to trust me on this one. Let's just say that Vendat is highly motivated in wanting to get back at me for something that happened a few years ago and leave it at that for now, okay?"
    The counselor smiled briefly. "We are crewmates. On Bajor, during the occupation, we learned that sometimes we have to accept things without knowing all the reasons.  Even though that seems to contridict my earlier comment that we deserved to know all, I think we know enough without needing to know all the reasons."  He looked around the table.  "We are Starfleet officers.  We're all together on the madien voyage of this ship for a reason, and part of that reason must be that our fates are meant to be intertwined." An odd serenity flickered through his expression. "The Prophets smile upon us indeed."
     "Counselor Andor is right," Verionius said, stepping in.  "If we're going to survive this we need to have faith in each other." He looked at Walker, but not in accusation... more of brother to sister.  "Right now, all we have is each other.  The rest of the crew is depending on us to get out of this situation safely and in one piece.  I, for one, do not plan on letting them down."
 "Me either," the other officers chorused.  There was a definite energy in the room as these men and women began coming together for a common goal.  And made the first steps toward becomming a family.
 Verionius nodded.  "Then let's get to work."

    As Ramses sat back in his seat he gut told him that something was not right.  He checked his console and found nothing on the sensors to be concerned about.  He frowned.  Things just felt wrong to him.
    "Commander,"  Counselor Andor was saying.  "Something we need to consider.  How did Gul Vendant know that Commander Walker was on this particular ship....or that we were heading this direction."
    Ramses started to turn to ask his own question when he felt coldness in his back.
  And it was then that his instinct proved right.
    "Commander,"  Lt. R'Mlek spoke from the science station.  "My sensors indicate an object dropping out warp near the  gravity well of the two stars."
    "Red alert.  Is it the Cardassians?"
    "Negative sir.  The object is only 3 meters in length."
    "Too small to be a ship, but not to be a weapon."  DeLanthri exclaimed.
    "The object does not give indications of being a weapon,"  R'Mlek replied.  "It appears to be a probe."
    "Commander, maybe we should move the ship out of here,"  Ramses added.
    "Stand by helm,"  Verionius replied.  "Is the probe moving toward us?"
    "No sir,"  R'Mlek replied.  "There is an anamoly that has formed near the probe.  Perhaps it is analyzing this."
    DeLanthri frowned as he moved over to see what the vulcan was referring to.  "Solar storms?"
    "Negative.  It almost appears as if a subspace bubble were forming."  R'Mlek tapped on his console.  "It does not appear to be a natural phenomona."  He looked up.  "Sir, I believe this probe has caused the bubble to form."
    "Helm, adjust course.  Steer us away from this system,"  Verionius said rapidly.
    "Aye sir."  Ramses quickly entered a course change.
    'Then it is a weapon,"  DeLanthri frowned.
    "I am detecting an unstable warp bubble growing.  It is destabilizing both stars."
    "Dammit!"  Verionius slammed his fist into the armrest on his chair.  "Mr. Ramses, take us to warp."
    "The gravity well is interfering with the warp drive,"  He replied.  "I need a few more seconds to get us clear."
    "A level three gravimetric wave is spreading out from the stars," R'Mlek stated in the typical calm voice of a vulcan.  "Impact in thirty seconds."
    "We have a level three gravimetric shockwave approaching.  Impact in twenty five seconds."  R'Mlek stated.
    "Evasive manuvuers,"  Verionius said with a growl.  "Full power to the S.I.F. field."
    "We're at full speed sir,"  Ramses was near panic.  "I don't think we can make it."
    "Impact in ten seconds."
    "Mr. Ramses, do whatever you can," Verionius tapped the comm button on his chair.  "All decks, brace for impact."
    As the bridge crew gripped their consoles, nearby railings, and whatever else they could, Andor said a silent prayer to the Bajorn prophets.
    The wave of distorted gravity hit the ship, flipping it end over end.  A brief glimmer surrounded the ship as it's shields failed.  As the Farseeker continued to spin slowly away from the destructive wave of energy, every light went out.

Chapter Five

     The acrid smell of smoke filled Verionius' nose as he opened his eyes.  The bridge was filled with thick smoky air, dimly lit by red warning lights.  As he struggled to rise from the floor he heard his bridge crew members moaning and coughing.  He shifted around and climbed into his seat, his left arm throbbing from the exertion.
    "Report."  He coughed.
    "The computer systems are off-line, sir,"  Walker answered weakly as she checked her console from the floor.  "And I think my leg is broken."
    "Engineering, can you tell me something?"  Verionius tapped his comm badge as he knelt next to his injured exec.
    "Comm channels are down also,"  DeLanthri responded from the tactical station.  He looked around the bridge.  "Mr. R'Mlek is still down."  He moved over to check the vulcan science chief.
    "Number One, keep trying to get that console online," Verionius said.  "I'm going to do a head count up here."  He made his way to check Holbrock and Ramses.
    "Sir, Mr. R'Mlek is dead,"  DeLanthri said from the back of the bridge.  "We also lost Ensigns Wilder and D'Martis."
    Verionius swore at the news.  The two had recently announced their engagement, making it the first wedding ceremony Verionius was to perform.  He felt a little relief as he found a steady pulse on Holbrock's neck and saw Ramses start shifting around to sit up.
    *Engin.......idge...*  the static filled voice of Nathaniels sounded over the comm system.  *......serious damage.........decks...........acelle....*
    "Mr. DeLanthri, can you clean that signal up?"  Walker asked as she winced at the pain from her leg.
    "I'll try."  He said grimly.
    "Let's get some runners down there just in case,"  Verionius said as he helped Ramses to his feet.  "Are you okay?"
    "Yes sir."  He sat at his console and started checking the controls.
    "I'm fine too,"  Holbrock said with a cough as he opened his eyes.  "I just wish those Horta would quit burrowing through my brain."
    "Well said,"  Ramses muttered as he continued trying to get his console to work.
    "Sir, I have a text only message from engineering,"  Walker said quietly.  "Nathaniels says that he will have the bridge computers on-line in a few minutes.  Warp engines are off line.  Shields are gone.  Weapons systems are down.  Structural Integrity Field is down to 45%.  Impulse engines are at 25%.  Comm channels and sensors are off line as well."
    "We need to get medics up here,"  Verionius said as he looked around his injured crew.  "Mr. DeLanthri, get down to sickbay and alert them to our status up here.  I need to know the casualities for the ship as well."
    "Yes sir."  DeLanthri popped open a floor plate revealing a ladder leading down into the ship.  Verionius moved over to the edge of the opening as DeLanthri began making his way down.
    "Number One, you have the bridge.  I'll be in engineering."  Verionius began his descent as he finished his sentence.
    "Yes sir."
    Verionius took another look around the damaged bridge before he lowered his head below the level of the floor.  Walker stared at the open hatchway for a few seconds before turning her attention to the task of getting the bridge operational again.
    "Mr. Ramses, do we have any sort of computer control yet?"  Walker pulled herself up into the command chair, grimacing at the pain in her leg.
    "Nothing yet,"  the helmsman said in a frustrated tone as he turned to face her.  "And I can't reach stellar cartography either to get a reading on our position."
    "With the sensors off line you aren't going to be able to get that info, Harold."  Holbrock said as he struggled into his chair.
    Ramses started to retort angrily to the sarcastic comment before he realized that it wouldn't help the current situation.  Instead he opted to snap his mouth shut and continue running what diagnostics he could on his console.

    "I said no,"  Nathaniels shouted over the combined sounds of hissing steam, furiously working engineers, and multiple alarms.  "THIS goes here.....THAT goes there."  He pointed furiously at the proper connections to a harried young tellarite.  The engineer scrambled to correct the connecting cables as Nathaniels rushed to another part of the main engineering area.  Verionius watched for a moment before following the chief engineer.
    "Mr. Nathaniels,"  Verionius shouted over the noise.  "What's our status?"
    Nathaniels turned around to face the commanding officer with a look of surprise.  "Our status?  Well, first of all we're damn lucky to be alive.  Otherwise..."  He extended his arms to the chaos around them.  "You can see for yourself."
    Verionius bit back the desire to punch Nathaniels.  "Lieutenant Commander Nathaniels, perhaps I should rephrase my question."
    Nathaniels waved Verionius off.  "No need.  I'm just a bit flustered sir.  We're going to be doing without the finer things in life for a while, but i think we're past the worst."  He handed Verionius a PADD.  "Can I assume that you weren't just down here to bust my chops?"
    Verionius frowned.
    "I can use some extra hands,"  Nathaniels confessed.
    Verionius caught the meaning and nodded.  "What do you need me to do?"
    "We'll start over here, replacing the isolinear chips in these three units..."  Nathaniels moved away from Verionius, talking as he went.  Verionius had to practically jog behind the man to hear his instructions.

    Three long hours later, Verionius wiped the sweat from his forehead and tapped his comm badge.
    "Verionius to bridge."
    A burst of static answered him.
    "Dammit."  He swore as he turned to check the connections in the main communications console.
    *Walker here sir, good to have the system back up.*
    Verionius grinned.  "Agreed Number One.  I'm on my way back up to the bridge shortly.  Get in touch with all areas and have an updated status report ready for me upon my arrival."
    *Working on it now.*

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