Episode Two: "Federation" - Part Three

Chapter Six

    "We lost twenty five crewmen," Bavor was finishing her report to Verionius.  His expression was one of remorse and anger.
    "Thank you Doctor," He said finally.  "We'll make arrangements once we get clear of this mess."
    "Aye sir."
    "Katya, any word yet on what that was?"  Verionius turned to his first officer.
    Walker shook her head.  "I have the assistant science chief working on that right now."  She scratched her newly healed leg, and shifted the temporary splint to a more comfortable position.  "With the sensors still barely operational it could a while before we have any information."
    "I have an idea that might solve that problem," Holbrock said quietly.
    "Go ahead,"  Verionius said as he turned to the ops manager.
    "It's kind of off the wall, truth be told,"  Holbrock grinned.  "Why not send out a few shuttle craft, and one of our runabouts.  We can use their sensors to scan the area for information on that 'event', as well as making sure the Cardassians aren't on the verge of finishing the job."
    Verionius shook his head.  "That's a bit too risky.  If there were another burst of energy like that last one, then the crews of those ships wouldn't stand a chance."
    "Sir,"  Nathaniels interjected.  "If there is another burst like that last one, the Farseeker won't stand a chance either."
    "Point taken,"  Verionius turned to Walker.  "Number One, what do you think?"
    "I think we should go with Holbrock's plan,"  Walker nodded.  "It's either that or wait who knows how long to use the ship's sensors."
    "And whatever information we are looking for could be gone by then, if we have to wait."  Nathaniels finished.
    Verionius sighed.  "Agreed.  Number One, I want you and and Mr. Holbrock to get three teams together.  Take two shuttles and a runabout out to run the scans.  Everyone else, thank you for your efforts.  You're all dismissed."
    Walker turned to Holbrock.  "The Nautilus is already set up with extra sensor platforms, so we should definetly take it.  Now we need to set up our teams."
    Verionius exited, leaving his exec to work out the details.  As he stepped out on the bridge, a young vulcan male turned from the Ops station.
    "Sir, we should now be able to send a tight beam transmission to Starfleet, as well as recieve any transmissions they send."
    "Thank you, Lieutenant...?"  Verionius was drawing a blank as to the officer's name.
    "Lieutenant Junior Grade Methuselah, sir,"  He turned to Verionius as he spoke.  "I am the Assistant Ops Chief."
    "Thank you,"  Verionius stifled his grin.  "Let's monitor incoming signals for now."  He sat in his chair.
    "Yes sir,"  Methuselah said slowly.  "Starfleet regulations do call for ships in distress to notify Starfleet at the first available opportunity."
    "Yes they do,"  Verionius said tightly.  "But let's just wait until we have a little more information to provide them.  I also want to make sure that there aren't any Cardassian ships waiting to pounce on us."  He punched some commands on his chair controls.  "Besides, if we notify Starfleet of where we are, and our status....then we also are notifiying the Cardassians of the same."
    Methuselah turned a shade paler.  "Aye sir."
    "I'm so glad you approve of my command decisions,"  Verionius said sarcastically.
    "Aye sir,"  Methuselah continued entering commands.  "We are monitoring only."
    "Sir,"  Walker was re-entering the bridge followed by Holbrock.  "We have our teams picked out and will be ready to go in thirty minutes."
    "Use caution out there,"  Verionius said as he stood.  "At the first sign of any disturbances I want you to high tail it back to the ship."
    "Yeah, that way instead of dying out there, we can all die in here,"  Holbrock grinned.
    "You have a point Mr. Holbrock," Verionius replied.  "As much as I hate to admit it, that's twice today.  At the first sign of trouble, get out of here.  Head back to the Federation and warn them of what happened out here."
    "Sir, we are not abandoning the Farseeker,"  Walker glared at Holbrock.
    "I wouldn't consider it that,"  Verionius said.  "I would consider it possibly saving other ships from running into this."
    "Aye sir,"  Walker begrudgingly replied.

Chapter Seven

    Captain's log - Supplemental.  Commander Walker and her teams have been out scanning the region for the past two hours, with no information as of yet.  I am thankful to have the shuttles using their sensors to check the area since the Farseeker's sensor net is still off-line.  Lt. Commander Nathaniels is estimating another three hours before he has them back up, and at least five before the warp engines are functional.  For now we must content ourselves with sitting blind and vulnerable...while being thankful that we are still alive.

    "Sir,"  Methuselah turned from his console.  "I have monitored a transmission from Admiral Hunter to all Starfleet vessels in the region.  It is.....odd, for lack of a better word."
    "Odd in what way, Mr. Methuselah?"
    "The message states that the Farseeker has been destroyed by an unknown phenomenon with all hands lost."
    Verionius blinked.  "What?"
    "I said..."
    "I heard you Lieutenant, I'm just trying to figure out where he got his information,"  Verionius tapped his comm badge.  "Bridge to Engineering."
    *Go ahead.*
    "Mr. Nathaniels, is there anyway that a message could have been sent from this ship, either intentionally or automated, that would inform Starfleet of our status?"
    *Well there's no way an automated signal could be sent without us intializing it, and telling the computer what information to send.  I haven't automated the system to do that either.  As for anyone intentionally sending it, they would have had to do it within the last hour in order for Starfleet to know anything.*
    "Why do you say the last hour specifically?"
    *Well, I've had the internal comm system up and I thought we had the whole system active.  It wasn't until an hour ago that we actually had the capability to send a signal all the way back to Starfleet.  We would have been lucky to get resolution out of this system.*
    "Thank you, Mr. Nathaniels.  Bridge out,"  Verionius turned to DeLanthri.  "Check all logs of any outgoing communications or signals from the time of our disaster to present."
    "Aye sir,"  DeLanthri nodded as he leaned over his console.
    "R'Ashiera to Walker."
    *Yes sir.*
    "Have any of the teams out there sent any information updates or communications back to Starfleet, or to anyone else?"
    *No sir.  In fact, I restricted all comm signals to tight-beam only, with my authorization to prevent signal leakage.  I don't want any unexpected guests showing up after all.  Is there a problem?*
    "I'll tell you about when you return.  Keep me updated, R'Ashiera out."  Verionius puzzled the situation over in his mind for a few moments.  Something really felt wrong with the whole thing.
    "Mr. DeLanthri, you have the bridge.  I'll be in my ready room,"  He started toward the door.  "Let me know when you have that log checked."
    "Aye sir."  DeLanthri nodded as he continued his work.

    On the runabout Nautilus, Walker had a bad feeling in her gut from Verionius' last transmission.  She continued to puzzle over it while absently punching buttons on her console.
    "Commander Walker?"  Holbrock broke her train of thought.
    "Yes," She sat up and turned to the man.
    "Are you okay?"  He stared at her intently.  Walker almost felt the brushing of thought against her mind.
    "Don't even go in there,"  She growled to the Ops Chief.  "You may not make it back out."
    "I was just..."
    "Concentrate on your panel, not on my mind,"  She still glared at him.  "I would hate to tell Commander R'Ashiera that his Chief Ops Manager met with an accident."
    "I...understand sir,"  Holbrock whirled back to his controls so fast, Walker caught a breeze.  She smiled as she turned back to her controls just as her console began beeping.
    "Hello there,"  She muttered as she focussed on the screen.  "What have we here?"
    Holbrock stood over her a moment later.  "Xentronium particles?  I don't understand the significance."
    Walker chuckled.  "Brush up on your science manuals, particularly stellar science,"  She hit a few more buttons.  "Xentronium is common in stars that are nearing a nuclear breakdown, in their final stages.  To collect them you have to send a probe within the stars thermosphere and collect them within a few weeks of the star's explosion."
    "Okay, sure, but why take that risk..and how is it relevant here?"
    "The particles can't be artificially created.  And neither of the stars in this region were nearing that point.  Both of the binary stars were fairly young,"  Walker explained.  "So these particles did not originate from here.  Aha, found it."  Walker was almost beaming.
    "Faint traces of dueterium and tritanium,"  Holbrock read over her shoulder.  "So that probe was a torpedo?"
    "Possibly so,"  Walker's tone become more subdued as she read the screen.  "Or a horrifying bomb."
    "But why make a bomb loaded with xentronium particles?  Surely there's easier ways to blast a ship than that," Holbrock frowned.
    Walker's face went pale.  "Not if you are trying to make it look like a natural disaster."
    "You mean someone set this off to make it look like we were destroyed by the stars?"
    "Check the console,"  Walker explained as she moved to the comm panel.  "Both stars are showing signs of rapid aging, in fact I would guess that within 36 hours or so both stars will implode."
    "What?"  Holbrock leaned over the console.
    "Walker to shuttle teams.  Remain in place and scan both the status of the stars, and for approaching vessels.  The Nautilus is returning to the Farseeker for now."
    Both shuttles confirmed the order.
    "Walker to Farseeker, we have the information that Verionius requested and are returning to the ship."
    *Commander Walker, this is Commander DeLanthri.  I shall notify the Captain at once.  You are cleared to land in the main shuttlebay.*

Chapter Eight

    "So it was artificially induced,"  Verionius sat back and considered the information Walker had just given him.  "That much we had already extrapolated from before the explosion.  But the magnitude of the explosion...at least you've answered that one."
    "Yes sir.  And we aren't going to be safe here for much longer,"  Walker added with a concerned look.
    Verionius slammed his fist on his desk.  "Damn the Cardassians.  They are trying to force our hand, and I'm not ready to have them force it."  He stood and paced over to the window.  "I am not prepared to surrender you, or this ship."
    "Sir, there is one other thing to consider,"  Walker had a look of concentration on her face.  "That probe had to be launched from somewhere close by."
    "More than likely from their ships after they got a safe distance away."
    "No sir.  I had DeLanthri run back the sensor log from when the probe appeared.  It's the type that is launched from a surface base, not a starship."
    Verionius spun to look at her.  "Are you certain?"
    Walker nodded.  "Yes sir."
    "In that case, they have a nearby base.  And maybe our ending up here wasn't by chance,"  Verionius folded his arms.  "They herded us here, but why?"
    "Maybe they've been testing this bomb already, and wanted to see how a starship would hold up,"  Walker stepped over to the window.  "Could be that they plan on using this to take out a starbase, or a fleet."
    "Yes, but where?"
    "Bajor seems likely.  Maybe they're bitter about having to give up DS9 to us, and not getting control of the wormhole?"
    "No, an attack on Bajor would bring the weight of the Federation down on them too hard.  It's not a critical enough target to weaken the chances of retaliation,"  Verionius' eyes moved to the framed star chart on his office wall.  "Holy....they wouldn't be planning....no."  He muttered.
    Verionius turned around, his blue face paler than normal.  "Earth.  They mean to strike Earth."
    "I don't follow.  Why attempt to get a bomb all the way to Earth?  It would never make it there."
    "Not unless you already had someone on the inside.  Someone with a high enough rank to hide it until it got there,"  Verionius headed for the bridge.  "Destroy the heart of the Federation and you destroy the Federation itself.  It would take weeks for us to rally, and by then the Cardassians would have too much control."
    "So we need to find this base, and shut them down,"  Walker added.
    "Right now Katya, we may be the only ones who can save the Federation,"  Verionius sounded grim.  "And think I know who their inside man is now."
    Walker gave him a curious look until the realization set in.  "How are you going to prove it from out here?"
    "Watch and learn Number One,"  He said as they entered the bridge.  "Mr. DeLanthri, I want you to send a message to Admiral Hunter.  Give him merely an update that we are damaged, but no details."
    "Aye sir,"  DeLanthri paused for a moment before sending the message.
    "And now,"  Verionius grinned.  "We wait."

    It was only a few hours later, just after Nathaniels let them know that the sensors were back online and that they could go to warp 3 and lower that the wait ended.

    "Sir, incoming message for you from Admiral Hunter,"  DeLanthri said with a look of curiousity.
    "In my ready room,"  Verionius dashed off the bridge, and keyed in his code when he entered the ready room.
    *Commander R'Ashiera, what do you have to report?*  Verionius studied Hunter's face closely and noticed that the man seemed slightly puzzled.  Puzzled that something happened, or puzzled that we are still alive?  Verionius mused.
    "Admiral, we were barely out of Federation space when we were attacked by 4 Galor class ships.  The leader, one
Gul Vendat demanded that we surrender Lt. Commander Walker to them, and they would let us go.  At present they
are blocking our safe entry to Federation space,"  Verionius deliberately withheld the information about the bomb.  Let him try to dig for that info himself.
Hunter chewed on that for a moment.  *Cardassians are interfering in your mission.  I was afraid that might happen.  We'll send assistance your way.  Give me your co-ordinates, so I can get rescue craft enroute.*
    Something about the way Hunter asked for the Farseeker's position ate at Verionius for a moment.  And confirmed his fears all in the same moment.
"There is one more thing, Admiral.  We recently intercepted a message from Command stating that we had been destroyed with all hands lost.  I found that rather disconcerting."
Hunter glared at Verionius.  *Obviously you are not dead.  I shall notify Starfleet Command, and ask them to track down whoever sent that message in error.*
    "Sir, the message appeared to originate from you."
    *Commander R'Ashiera, we can sort all of this out once we get you back to Federation space.  Now, are you going to give me those co-ordinates?*
    Verionius nodded.  "Aye Admiral.  Entering co-ordinates now."
    Hunter looked at his screen.  *I'll have some ships there within 4 hours.  Stay put.*
    The screen blanked and Verionius considered his thoughts.  After a moment he decided, and returned to the bridge.
    "Mr. Ramses, move us out of here, and place us where we can not be detected.  Mr. DeLanthri, I want you to launch a
class 7 probe, and leave it here with a continuos non-detectable link,"  He sat down in the command chair.  "I have a feeling that we will get our final puzzle piece dropped in place within the next few hours."
    Ramses began looking for a hiding place while DeLanthri set about to launching the probe.  Walker gave Verionius a questioning look, but the Andorian just smiled and waited.
    "Sir, if we are springing a trap,"  DeLanthri had a confident grin.  "Which I am sure we are...why not fit the probe with a hologram emitter.  We could program an image of the ship, and create enough sensor bubbles to trick whoever you are waiting for into thinking it is really us."
    "Can you do all of that fairly quickly?"  Verionius turned to him.
    "If Mr. Holbrock will let me borrow Lt. Methuselah,"  DeLanthri explained.  "According to his records, he should be quite adept at this."
    "Carry on, Mr. DeLanthri,"  Verionius nodded.  For the first time in hours he was feeling like he was in control once again.

Chapter Nine

    Two and half hours later, DeLanthri noticed the objects on his long range sensors.  He quickly adjusted the scan to a
passive one.
        "Commander, we have 3 ships approaching.  They are not yet within range."  DeLanthri reported crisply.
        "Reduce all power to minimal levels.  Boost the sensor radius."  Verionius sat down in his command chair and stared at the viewscreen with anticipation.  "Mr. Holbrock, let's take a look at the rescue ships."
        Holbrock touched several buttons, and the viewscreen changed to show the exterior view of the Farseeker.  A few minutes later, 3 pinopints of light were seen to be growing in size.  Everyone on the bridge held their breath, with exception of Walker; who kept mumbling to herself, and DeLanthri; who hoped that he could fire the first salvo.
    "Sir, the ships are Cardassian Warships.  They are firing on the hologram."
    "Quickly, detonate the probe."  Verionius fairly leaped from his chair.
    DeLanthri touched buttons.  "Probe detonated.  Hologram deactivated."
    The bridge crew watched as the Cardassian ships circled for a few moments before turning and warping out, apparently satisfied.
    Verionius nodded slowly.  "It was a trap.  And now I know what Hunter is,"  He stood and looked around at his bridge crew.  "I want a department head meeting in ten minutes in the briefing room."  He turned and exited the bridge.

    Ten minutes later the senior officers had gathered in the briefing room, waiting for Verionius to answer the many questions circulating in their minds.
    Verionius looked at all of those assembled here.  To his right was Walker, Andor, Ramses, and Holbrock.
To his left was DeLanthri, Alton, Bavor,  and Nathaniels.  He nodded at those present, and began to speak.
    "I have been investigating as much as I can about Admiral Hunter, ever since our initial encounter with Gul Vendat.  Everything in his file shows him to be an extraordinary man.  He has moved through the ranks rapidly, and has personally been responsible for many technological breakthroughs."
    Verionius stood and walked slowly around the table.  "This of course shows us that Admiral Hunter has been a major player in Starfleet.  Very difficult for him to be a phony.  Lt. Andor?"
    Brakkis cleared his throat.  "Sir, Admiral Hunter's personal files indicate the he is a warm and compassionate man, but also very driven to achieve his goals.  If you are asking my opinion, then I would say that the Admiral is behaving within those parameters, with the exception of his apparent hatred of Lt. Commander Walker."
    Bavor spoke.  "Sir, it should be noted the Admiral Hunter was missing for two weeks after a failed expedition in this region.  He was examined thoroughly when he was found.  Medical records indicate that he is the same man as when he left.  No chance for him to be a changeling, or a surgically altered Cardassian."
    Alton spoke.  "Then what the heck are we saying here?  That it is within his perogative to send us out here, then let the Cardassian's know that we are here, and send them to blow us sky high?"  Alton shook her head.  "I don't buy it!  Either the guy's a phony or in their pocket somehow, or we're looking the wrong way."
    Verionius smiled.  "Relax, Alton.  I don't think everything in his file is consistant with what we've seen.  I suspect that Hunter is being controlled by the Cardassians in some way.  So now we have two objectives.  1) Find where they are developing this bomb, and destroy the lab; 2) Get back to the Federation and expose Hunter."
    Walker leaned forward.  "Let me be the one to get Hunter, please?"
    The group laughed.  Verionius again smiled.  "We will all 'get Hunter'.  First of all though, we need more info on that bomb, and we need to find the base where it is being developed."
    "We may have a lead on that,"  Ramses said.  "Before this meeting, I was tracing the path of the ships that destroyed our probe.  They lead back toward a large asteriod field that's half a lightday away from here.  And it just happens that the probe came from that same direction."
    "Well then...let's set a course for the asteroid field,"  Verionius grinned.  "It's time we called on the Cardassians."

Part 4 Coming soon!

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